Would a vampire or zombie outbreak spell the end of the world?


Brown Belt
Dec 7, 2014
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Let's say a few hundred zombies appear in every city on earth. Would it be enough to drive us to the brink of eradication like all these zombie movies display? How about with vampires?

Talking bout those more modern zombies and vampires, but nothing to crazy.
Gun Free Zones are Fucked against Zombies.
Zombies would eventually get taken care of as long as there not runner zombies.

We're fucked against vampires.
Gun Free Zones are Fucked against Zombies.

Nah, for zombies, why waste bullets? You just need a bat, or hammer, and crack them on head. Even if it is running zombies, you be better off with a bludgeon, and some heavy armor, or even a shield.
Zombies are weaker, slower, mindless humans. They would not be a threat at all in real life. Pretty sure we could get rid of vampires as well. Depends on their power level and abilities.
I live in Canada and it is winter.

The bodies would freeze up pretty quick.
Vampires - as in movie type.

That would fucking suck. Hopefully Megan Fox lookalike Vampire seduces me and turns me.
Zombies are weaker, slower, mindless humans. They would not be a threat at all in real life. Pretty sure we could get rid of vampires as well. Depends on their power level and abilities.

Not these zombies

depends if the vampires ice skate uphill
Zombies would eventually get taken care of as long as there not runner zombies.

We're fucked against vampires.

Easy solution you become them.

In I am legend the book. Will smiths character eventually becomes the monster in their eyes since hes the only one and everyone else has formed their culture, beliefs ect
If forced to choose I'd rather fuck a Vampire. If you'd rather fuck a Zombie you need help.
People would say "thoughts and prayers" and advocate giving them compassionate care while they kill and eat everyone.
I think 3/4 of the people living in cities won't make it without electricity. So if power plants were to go down for prolong period, alot of these people will die or at the minimum be seen as an extreme liabilities.

Probably don't know how to start a fire.
Probably don't know where to get food once stores close down.
Probably freeze or dehydrate to death.
Zombies are weaker, slower, mindless humans. They would not be a threat at all in real life. Pretty sure we could get rid of vampires as well. Depends on their power level and abilities.

Bro, how the fuck do you know? Probably never met a zombie in ya life and just assume they're all like in the walking dead. What if one of these zombies is Usain Bolt or Ngannou or some shit? Like to see you shrug em off as weaker, slower and not a threat.
i,for one,salute our new zombie overlords.