Woodley's mom and Till confronted backstage after the fight...

I think you mean "embraced".
Was hoping to see Woodleys mom beating Till with a shoe or something judging by the title. I am dissapoint.
Confronted implies a fight or altercation, something drama.
Youngest of 13 children to a single mother to become the greatest UFC Welterweight champion of all time. What a great America story that only filthy, smelly basement dwelling internet tough guys have a problem with.
Wow, she really mauled him back there...
The best part of this thread is watching you get shat on for not knowing what Confronted means.
Till is all class huge respect to him.
FUCK DONALD TRUMP ! FUCK DONALD TRUMP ! YEAHHH :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: ! FUCK DONALD TR... oh, wrong thread.
Youngest of 13 children to a single mother to become the greatest UFC Welterweight champion of all time. What a great America story that only filthy, smelly basement dwelling internet tough guys have a problem with.

Never seen anyone have any problem with that, I'm sure Woodleys mom is proud as hell of him, as she should.
Awww :)

Youngest of 13 children
I was wondering if I heard that right.

Yikes! :eek: at having 12 siblings. I have 3 and even that seemed much at times - tho I guess it might be a bit different when you're the youngest (?).
Easy to be nice and open when your son wins. It seems nobody remembers her insane antics anymore or accussing everyone and everything. I wonder how would this look like had Till whooped Tyrone. I bet you she wouldnt be like this.
Youngest of 13 children to a single mother to become the greatest UFC Welterweight champion of all time. What a great America story that only filthy, smelly basement dwelling internet tough guys have a problem with.

Did she have 13 kids out of wedlock?

If so, she shouldn't be giving anyone advice.
That chick had a sex tape.
Yeah, I seent it.

That girl's got alotta talent man.