Wonderboy Ko's kids at dodgeball.

And god said to wonderboy "now go back and kill all the males among the little ones."
I mean your only two options are to coddle them and let them win, or no mercy. I personally side with no mercy.
Are those supposed to dodgeballs? Today's society is a bunch of pooses. Geez, you need the OG big red balls, that you could bust people's faces up w. a good throw.
Looks like he’s teaching a valuable life lesson to those kids to me. One day one will grow up and do that to him when he’s in the wheelchair.
At least they have a padded gym floor to play on. We used to play on an asphalt parking lot in school. Same place we played kickball too. I'm surprised more people didn't get hurt. One of my friends broke his leg when he tripped over the ball when it was his turn to kick. Even after that, we still continued to play in the parking lot. Our coach was a disciple of the Just Bleed God for sure.
I see 2 kids getting hit.
I dont see any kid being KOed...