Hello guys, so i received my Hayabusa Kanpeki Elite 3.0 16oz but never got the chance to properly abuse and review them because of a knuckle issue. Probably nothing to do with the gloves, but after a cou i got a nasty inflammation on my right knuckle that did bite on every punch so had to take a break. The thing is, i am planning on changing my heavy bag and mitts gloves -at least for a while-, so i am on the safe side and won't miss any more training in the near future. I am considering the classic and expensive safe option of knuckle protective gloves, the winnings 16oz. Also read many positive reviews on Muhammad's job, so i wanted to ask your opinion on the custom winning clones he offers since it's a decision i don't wanna take any unnecessary risk - knuckle protection is vital. Thanks in advance.