Will there ever be a fighter who becomes champion in every weight class? Not at same time


May 14, 2018
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Will there ever be a fighter who wins the UFC championship.belt in every weight class starting from the lightest weight
Then after he becomes champion, he bulks up and wins the next belt and so on until he reaches he champ?
If so will he be number one on your goat list
Back to back to back to back shit threads, and you only joined today...

Get ready for the banhammer.
dude..... stop posting random thoughts you have lol

sherdog gets enough pointless threads as it is
Will there ever be a fighter who wins the UFC championship.belt in every weight class starting from the lightest weight
Then after he becomes champion, he bulks up and wins the next belt and so on until he reaches he champ?
If so will he be number one on your goat list

Conor McGregor is the UFC money weight champion, which means he's basically UFC champion across all weight classes and for all 63 genders.

Lighten up bro

only in the right circumstances
I refuse to believe a human is this stupid.

What are you?
Any chance of that died with Corey Hill's career.