Will the US under Biden recover some of the international standing it lost during Trump's tenure?

Wrong, Obama lowered America's standing in the world by letting ISIS run wild, literally bowing down to world leaders, cozying up to Cuba and Iran, and failing to stand up to Russia. Obama was weak and is probably the least masculine President ever, he's not exactly the type of person to lead a global hegemon. The sharks around the world respect strength, nothing else.

Trump tried a different approach and it worked pretty well, I think.
He lost! Get over it! <GinJuice>
Some, yes. But not all and he's not going to reverse the trend. The downside of Trump's behavior is that it made other countries really consider what would happen if the U.S. stopped being a reliable ally. Those countries are going to take future proofing themselves much more seriously than before and part of that is keeping some distance between themselves and us.

No one is going to reverse that in the short term.
The reason he's hated by other world leaders is because Trump didn't ask which ass cheek he was supposed to kiss when he met them. They don't like him because he had the nerve to point out how they exploit us.

this is laughable nonsense, and you’re gullible to believe it

@nac386 hit the nail on the head as to the rest of the worlds view of him, and the exact reasons why.
But that's not the reality of Donald Trump. He only thinks he's putting America first, because he doesn't actually understand the world in which he operates, and cannot understand how having strong allies is to America's benefit.

What Trump actually did, was make an ass of himself around the world. Our allies and enemies all think he's an idiot, which pleases our opposition (Russia, China, North Korea), and concerns our allies who are used to America displaying strong global leadership.

I think that Trump fans think people around the world take him seriously, but they don't. The ones who realize people don't take him seriously think that he at least his doltish actions are in our best interest, but they're not.

Sean, I know one of your big points of support for Trump was how he was going to fix our trade deals because our trade deficit was unacceptable. How did that work out?


He doesn't know what he's doing. He's in over his head. He never understood, and no amount of pro-America rhetoric can replace his complete lack of knowledge and understanding. Talking tough is child's play on the global stage when you don't actually know what you're doing.

Many people on this thread claiming the tariffs were good for the economy when at this point it's clear they were a disaster and didn't solve the issue they were intended to address (structural trade deficits). It seems people focus more on rhetoric and symbolic actions than actual effectiveness of what is being done.
He lost! Get over it! <GinJuice>

All those "She lost, get over it" posts must have really gotten to you Hillary fans since you've all been spamming this ad nauseam the past few days.

Good to know for the next time a highly touted Dem candidate goes down in flames.
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