will donald trump implode because of israel?

If Rubio were to back out it would bolster Cruz. If Cruz were to back out it would appear to bolster Trump as the majority of his voters prefer Trump as a second choice. It appears that he may now have the plurality he needs since Trump is pulling in about 25% more voters who never vote, never pay attention, and who know absolutely nothing about politics or policy or ideas or basically anything. They're just mad and he's saying angry things. They like that. This is the "Trump" effect.

He has riled the perpetually angry and least intelligent, least educated white electorate in this country who demonstrate the strongest tendencies towards racism and xenophobia. That is the core of his support. It has appeared over the last three primaries that this base is increasingly likely to be capable of achieving a plurality within the GOP even if it's hopeless in a general election.

Then again, I could be wrong. Trump's disfavorability remains at 60% within the GOP itself, and none of his wins repudiates that ceiling within the general GOP electorate.

this is also very likely. the riling up factor is what republicans keep throwing in my face to prove his popularity, as though there's millions of non republicans waiting to join the cause.

they are gonna be shocked when normal people look at trump like a carnival freak show rather than a respectable candidate.
Our alliance with Israel seems to work a bit different than with other countries.

Yeah we have people who are actually loyal to a foreign nation making policy and lobbying openly through groups like AIPAC. I don't see other relationships like this.
Yeah we have people who are actually loyal to a foreign nation making policy and lobbying openly through groups like AIPAC. I don't see other relationships like this.

It seems to rustle the most feathers of people as well.

I think our relationship with Israel has a life of its own.
Trump is pro Israel. Saying he'll push for peace and then implying that the Palestinians are being unreasonable and hateful isn't something that offends Israel

I haven't met many conservatives who are very pro israel. Usually just mild support and not an issue they think a lot about. It's just politicians, usually conservative, that make it to be our 2nd most pressing issue (1st being more H1-B visas to address our huge STEM shortage). Those politicians (like rubio & graham) are just in office to represent lobbyists (not their constituents)