Wierd fly outside my mudroom


Silver Belt
Aug 21, 2013
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So theres this weird fly outside my mudroom. I noticed it on a branch last week while i was smoking weed. it was there all day and it kept flying off the branch, then landing . It bugged me out, no pun intended. i have never seena fly that looked like this one or behaved like this, then i went inside, and forgot about it. Now today like a week later its back, and its like carrying something, and sitting on the same exact spot on the branch. is it a government drone?
is it a government drone?
Yes, they have eyes everywhere. I can confirm, I was said mudroom.
guy something is definetly up, i went out to take pictuires because im smart, i figured you would want to see, and no shit, it had the thing, flew up to the window, dropped it and went right back to the spot!
it actually looks a lot like that
lemme get some pictures for you
and figure out how to upload them...
Pack your Go Bag and get out of town.
It's too late, you're already dead and you don't even know it.
ok so i made a media album called fly, how do i link it here? its called fly
What in the Blue He// is a mudroom?
u can see the thing it had, then it flew and droipped it, then it want back to the same spot. You can clearly see the pictures after i opened the window to get closer shots, it did not even move after.
God damn that thing is blurrier than Bigfoot.

Whats that weird looking mushroom tip at the base of the tree?
its the room on the side of the house with the dryer and some garbage.
EDIT* also where i go to do drugs.


That's a cool name for that space. I wish I'd thought of it. I'm serious!
theres some other cool stuff inthe yard too, there were college kids living at my neighbors house before they moved in and they ditched a bunch of furniture they didnt want to bring when they moved out. i just consider it art.
My guess is that you're really high. And it's mating season for the lil fella.
Wish I had a mudroom.... quit braggin TS
the fly is gone for the time being, hopefully it comes back with another present tomoorow.