why was kimbo so popular and not jon jones?

Why would you compare him to Jones? Totally different styles and backgrounds that are basically opposite (amateur wrestler vs. street brawler), different weight classes, massively different personalities. This is such an odd comparison to even consider in the first place.

But to answer your question: Kimbo had a good personality and always seemed like a good guy. Meanwhile, Jon Jones is Jon Jones.

Oh, and Jon Jones is extremely popular, ya goof. His PPV's sell very well and make headlines. The entire premise of this thread is shit.
Came to throw down / kill or be killed.

Didn't act like a smug, obnoxious ass-hat.
Kimbo is legitimately a humble dude, not a fake one like Jon.
It's all about being humble. Kimbo came from nothing and achieved success beyond his wildest dreams and still was a humble and respectful man. Jones became successful and took everything for granted and de-railed his own career for a while...

sherdog psychologists haven't figured this one out yet. When fans don't like a minority, it's racism.....but when they do like a minority its usually because of a winning streak or that the ufc told us to.

The sherdog racism psychoanalysts brains are going to explode when 2 black guys headline the highest selling ppv of all time at ufc200.
Pretty weaK and reachy comparison.

Why was kimbo popular and not fedor?
these threads always pop up where it seems the TS has no idea how to read personalities - is it really hard to figure out why jon jones isnt popular? i would assume the answer is no, but maybe it is to some
Jon Jones wasn't knocking big dudes in back yards and putting it up on Youtube?
Kimbo's popularity correlated with the rise of YouTube. First time people were exposed to backyard fighting like that. He was a underground fighter that blew up in the mainstream. People liked that he came from nothing to reach the level of success that he did.
"You got baby nuts,Dada!"
"Hey,pussy,you there?"