Why the Fred Ettish hate?

I beleive it started from the "Fetal Fighting Technique" joke video
I beleive it started from the "Fetal Fighting Technique" joke video
No joke, I swear that the DeLaRiva guard was also a joke about this that no one got.
People are really just a pack of wolves/hyenas. Waiting for the first sign of weakness so that they can attack in hoardes and tear you apart.
Agreed. Especially MMA fans, many of whom are just insecure wimps who make themselves feel better by ridiculing people who actually have the balls to get in the cage.
I doubt anybody actually "hates" the guy, I've only seen him as the butt of jokes for the last 23 years or so.
Lol it's this. No one hates him, but be honest people. The beating he took was damn funny