Why isn't Junk Food treated like Drugs?

First you would need to define what constitutes shitty food. A burger is not shitty food. It consists of bread, meat, lettuce, tomatoes, and some condiments. Fats, carbs, and proteins, all of which your body needs.

That's the difference. Alcohol is alcohol. Tobacco is tobacco. These products have no nutritional value. They are not food. A burger is.

If you want to have a specific conversation about taxing certain ingredients that fast food companies add to foods, I'm all ears. But that doesn't seem to be what this thread is about.

Like I said, I don't want to tax anything including booze and tobacco.
You are 100% on it OP

I am in the throws of a food binging crisis, i didnt touch sugar for 3 months while dieting, had some and now im so horrifically gripped by the stuff its unreal. Im eating a jar of nutella every other day, for reference it is essentially sugar and palm oil, they are the two first ingredients, two of the worst things you can ut in your body. One 400gram tub is 2100 calories and contains about 160 grams of sugar at a guess. Im eating that on top of a days worth of bad eating

I cant stop myself lol Its so messed up, i can stop the nutella but i simply replace it with other chocolate or icecream or sugar laden foods.

I am really addicted and i cant kick it just yet. I tried, managed three days and then binged. I dont fully want to quit tbh, the food is just too good and its giving me too much happiness, i know its so so bad for me though

Thats me and chips. One I open a bag I cant stop. I tell my self I will but still keep going later on in a few minutes.
That's not a junk food problem. That's an emotional and physical addiction. If it wasn't food it would just be something else that you obsessed over. Don't blame the sugar.

They've already proven that your brain triggers a need for sugar once it becomes used to it. Considering most people begin consuming sugar as early as 1, the need becomes extremely engrained into that part of your brain and literally pushes you into getting your fix.
Bad foods in general, but seriously, why don't we look at things like big Macs and chocolate sundaes like we would cocaine and heroin. Sure, the argument is the latter can kill you immediately, but let's be real here. Studies have shown that junk food, sugar primarily is as addictive as any drug out there. It makes you very unhealthy, leading to an array of different issues that can end your life prematurely. It causes people to have to go on expensive medications and treatments, lose functionality, lose limbs, die.

So why are we so accepting of junk food, processed foods, all these chemically induced foods, but get pissed when we see someone smoking?

I've seen more people die of food related issues then I have alcohol, tobbaco or any drug related ones.

I don't get pissed when I see someone smoking because it's bad for their health. It's because I don't want to smell that shit.