Opinion Why is saying All Lives Matter, 'wrong?'

The problem is it’s the black folks predominantly burning down their own houses
Not white folks or the police. But they only point the finger at them.

it’s Also like the great Lebron said, black folks are being hunted down every time they leave the house...
but it’s by other black men, not the evil white devil

police brutality affects all races
Change is needed in both the police department (Training and accountability)
and the inner city community
Nothing will change, until both change

France: Counter-protesters unfurl "White Lives Matter" banner at Paris anti-racism demo
The name blacklivesmatter, imo, if they don't want confusion, should name themselves, blacklivesmattertoo.
like going to a women's march and saying "all genders matter"

All sexes matter (as in both).

Gender is just a play on words. Nature built us to menstruate or ejaculate, then we are just simply female or male, respectively. Someone who identifies as something else and/or keeps changing their identity, has some issues in their attic.
Nor does saying “7 out of 10 of the worst in history were white men” make it so, either
being the most evil doesnt mean they were the worst, it means they were the best at being evil.

its all about perspective bruh.

also, fair point. Its subjective... but mines was meant in jest
More than twice as many whites are murdered by blacks each year than vice versa. Yet there's no movement to affirm that "white lives matter". That would be ridiculous. Because something evil being done to .00001% of a population by members of another race doesn't indicate that members of the victims' race don't matter. Yet according to the axis of corporations, academia, the media, and celebrities it does (depending on the particular race, of course)