Why is Joe Rogan trying to censor Rogan Watch?

Man, I had a hard time being productive while baked.

I went on a tough hike in BC and the most challenging part was steep paths while stoned.

Im the opposite. Im super productive/active when baked.
why so much hate for this guy? lol he offers a FREE podcast its not like youre forced to pay for anything. people telling him to come out of the closet. why do you care if hes a closeted gay? how is that in any way a bad thing. and if he was, why are you pressuring him to come out?
This guy a :eek::eek::eek:? No way!


It's almost like Rogan has deliberately gone out of his way to change his physical appearance over the last fifteen years, like he's ashamed and attempting to run away from his past. I'm sure his frequent overcompensating is directly tied into this, too.

The more I learn about him, the less contempt I have for him and the more pity I feel towards him.
Maybe the guys making money off those vidz.