Why doesn't the U.S discuss attacking Saudi Arabi over 9/11?


Gold Belt
Jan 2, 2006
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The real perpetrators of 9/11 seemingly go unscathed from obvious evidence they funded the hijackers to commit the terror of that day. Did the U.S gov let the Saudi's go because the U.S economy was so reliant on their oil?
The real perpetrators of 9/11 seemingly go unscathed from obvious evidence they funded the hijackers to commit the terror of that day. Did the U.S gov let the Saudi's go because the U.S economy was so reliant on their oil?
Yeah for real, its like nobody knows or nobody cares.
I don't know but jet fuel can't melt steel beams
Americans have some weird idea about Saudi's, talking like they are weak like other middle eastern countries. they spend more $ on military than Russia does. a war with them would be costly on many fronts.

much easier to go punk afganistan, iraq etc. Saudi's are easier to understand. They want what Americans want. $, power and influence. They help spread religion fanaticism with one hand and send their kids to western colleges and love all things western with the other. Saudi royalty play a dangerous game on both sides. It wont last forever.
Americans have some weird idea about Saudi's, talking like they are weak like other middle eastern countries. they spend more $ on military than Russia does. a war with them would be costly on many fronts.

much easier to go punk afganistan, iraq etc. Saudi's are easier to understand. They want what Americans want. $, power and influence. They help spread religion fanaticism with one hand and send their kids to western colleges and love all things western with the other. Saudi royalty play a dangerous game on both sides. It wont last forever.
Well the U.S sells them their arms. They're not that powerful.
Well considering America doesn't rely on Saudi oil like they once did you would think if it was over oil they would go over there now and fuck them up. It's a little more complex obviously. Too many conspiracies out there to pick just one, however, to think that 19 men, mostly Saudi hijacked Pentagon airspace with boxcutters and killed 4000 people seems like a poorly written movie. Especially to respond by attacking Afghanistan and not Saudi Arabia. I to this day can't really puzzle it together to the point where I'm convinced of anything. What I do believe is that the plane is not what took down the twin towers, the "jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel" conspiracy is absolutely true, especially given how they fell. The rest of the hows, whys, and whats are still anybodies guess. What I do know is, without their oil, Saudi Arabia is basically a third-world country.
The USA is not dependent on Saudis oil. What would invading SA achieve? What evidence is there that the ruling elite were behind this rather than just a faction and what would removing them achieve? Would we get something better or would the real freaks take over?

How about we start with just not supporting them so blindly?
The real perpetrators of 9/11 seemingly go unscathed from obvious evidence they funded the hijackers to commit the terror of that day. Did the U.S gov let the Saudi's go because the U.S economy was so reliant on their oil?

This is also why we sell Cluster bombs to SA to bomb dirt farmers.

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that petrodollar deal is very important for the us of a
Americans have some weird idea about Saudi's, talking like they are weak like other middle eastern countries. they spend more $ on military than Russia does. a war with them would be costly on many fronts.

much easier to go punk afganistan, iraq etc. Saudi's are easier to understand. They want what Americans want. $, power and influence. They help spread religion fanaticism with one hand and send their kids to western colleges and love all things western with the other. Saudi royalty play a dangerous game on both sides. It wont last forever.

LOL Saudis have guns but dont know how to use them.

Just look at Yemen.
All hail the allmighty petrodollar.

And while the US as a country doesnt depends on Saudi oil, a lot of influential people do.

Saudis have like 1 trillion invested on western financial institutions.
The petrodollar theory is a lame and misunderstood argument. People think that in order to buy ME oil you literally need to have dollars sitting in an account. They think that buying oil is like going to the supermarket with a bundle of physical cash.

Our alliance with SA is not that complex. People who think America's oil interest is about 'stealing oil' or shoring up the dollar are fundamentally confused. America's oil interest has always been about one thing: CONSISTENT AND HIGH GLOBAL OIL SUPPLY. When total global supply goes up, prices go way down. When there is a disruption in supply, it is an economic catastrophe for the US.

It doesn't matter at all who the oil is sold to. What is vital is that it hits the global market, thus depressing total prices and ensuring an uninterrupted supply relative to total demand.

It's always hilarious to me to see people arguing that we went into Iraq to 'steal oil' or to secure lucrative oil production targets. A 2% decrease in the global oil price is literally worth 1000000x that. Avoiding a 50% increase in price from an Iraqi invasion of SA was worth 1000000000000000000x that.

The single most vital economic need the US has had over the past 4 decades has been to keep maximum ME oil flowing into the global markets. Every lame conspiracy theory which doesn't grasp that central plank of American foreign policy just makes me sad.
Because they aren't complete morons, contrary to popular belief. There is no realistic, advantageous regime change possible there.
The real perpetrators of 9/11 seemingly go unscathed from obvious evidence they funded the hijackers to commit the terror of that day. Did the U.S gov let the Saudi's go because the U.S economy was so reliant on their oil?

What would be accomplished? Just kill some people because someone else killed some people?
LOL Saudis have guns but dont know how to use them.

Just look at Yemen.

yea, man. a defensive war is the same as an offensive one.

America struggles to contain afganistan, iraq etc but would do well in a country with even more fanatics and much better military hardware.

sounds like an easy win, bro. unless you know, you actually think about it.
What would invading SA achieve? What evidence is there that the ruling elite were behind this rather than just a faction and what would removing them achieve? Would we get something better or would the real freaks take over?

In retrospect, do you think invading Afghanistan achieved anything?