Why Do Priests Rape So Many People?


Gold Belt
May 4, 2007
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Googled the word "priest", hit the news link (which brings up the most recent news stories), and 5 out of the 10 stories were about sexual assault.

Priest's plea spares NSW victim's pain

UPDATE: Oklahoma priest convicted of sex crime removed from parish

Lawsuit says Catholic priest sexually abused Long Island man

Priest Michael Aulsebrook found guilty of raping boy at Salesian College Rupertswood

George Pell knew about :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile priest: education officer

What is it about being a priest that makes people so rapey? We never hear about Rabbis or Buddhist monks touching kids. Does celibacy turn people into sexually repressed monsters, or does the church just attract these types? This has become more than just a disturbing trend, it is an epidemic.
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I have a feeling Priest don't sexually assault people at a greater rate then the normal population, but it is their position of trust to makes cases more news worthy and more talked about.
Do they, or are they just more highly publicized?

Would be interesting to know if there was much deviation from the average.
Googled the word "priest", hit the news link (which brings up the most recent news stories), and 5 out of the 10 stories were about sexual assault.

Priest's plea spares NSW victim's pain

UPDATE: Oklahoma priest convicted of sex crime removed from parish

Lawsuit says Catholic priest sexually abused Long Island man

Priest Michael Aulsebrook found guilty of raping boy at Salesian College Rupertswood

George Pell knew about :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile priest: education officer

What is it about Christianity that makes people so rapey? We never hear about Rabbis or Buddhist monks touching kids. Does celibacy turn people into sexually repressed monsters, or does the church just attract these types? This has become more than just a disturbing trend, it is an epidemic.
Don't actually know the stats % wise

Maybe because they are extremely sexually constrained. It's like Muslims and pounding little play boys. Anyone been in Iraq knows what I am talking about. Porno, young boys and drug = insurgency money
This was my theory from a thread yesterday.

And I think the priesthood attracts people that are potential offenders and creates others. First it will attract those who have guilt and shame regarding their sexual orientation. :eek::eek::eek::eek:philes, homo sexuals through the lure or celibacy. Further the requirement of celibacy are likely to create others as I don't consider that a natural lifestyle.
I have a feeling Priest don't sexually assault people at a greater rate then the normal population, but it is their position of trust to makes cases more news worthy and more talked about.

I'd be interested in a study like that.

Christian parents are so worried about trannies in bathrooms, when their own religious figureheads are the ones touching their kids. It's insane.
A popular theory had been that in the past, gay men could not come out and chose the priesthood as a beard. The same with Pederasts. They knew they could hide in the priesthood and no one would question why they aren't married. Given the number of these people around children, it's not unthinkable that we would hear about child abuse, based on sheer numbers alone.

It's also the fact that a profession that has many sexual deviants would attract other deviants. You hear about child abuse being rampant, and if you are a child molester, the field calls to you.

I don't think there is some cosmic reason if that's what you're getting at.
I'd be interested in a study like that.

Christian parents are so worried about trannies in bathrooms, when their own religious figureheads are the ones touching their kids. It's insane.

Christian parents are worried about anyone potentially molesting our kids . . . as should every parent.
This is a response thread.
Christian parents are worried about anyone potentially molesting our kids . . . as should every parent.

I don't see petitions to stop priests from entering your bathrooms. Just saying.
Same reason why there's molesters that are wanting to become TSA agents. They want jobs that'll give them the capability to do what they wanna do.
I don't think that they do rape at higher rates than say..teachers. It's just that this is more "headline worthy"
Jesus loves the little children and so do they. All the children of the world. Be they yellow black or white, they are precious in their sight. Priests love the little children of the world.
Not really. Response threads are made when someone is rustled.

I think you misunderstand the point of the OP. We're trying to get to the bottom of a very serious problem. Do you not believe priests raping children is a problem?