Media Why do European crowds at UFC events always bring the passion compared to American crowds?

I kind of feel sorry for all those American fighters that will never get this amount of love from their home crowd. Or actually having a crowd that's actually putting in some ambience.

Why are American crowds so dull compared to European ones?

Seeing the above reminded me of this quote I heard Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher say once, about the difference between sports fans in England and sports fans in America (timestamped):

"In England, a team chooses YOU and that's it, forever. In America, you guys kind of tend to flip-flop and do whatever you want".

Could this difference in mentality be the reason for the difference in crowds? Do Americans generally care less about their athletes, because their support for them is more fickle regardless? Y'all like to beat yourself on the chest claiming American pride, best country in the world this and that but whenever an American fighter loses you generally have no problem switching your support, it looks like.


That's because people are spoiled.
Americans are uncultured swines compared to Europeans.
Brazilians > Euros tho - Don't get it twisted :)