Why Aint Spain a Superpower


Oct 12, 2013
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They used to be all over this planet wrecking shit. They were one of the big dogs and now they really arent. Any reason why. How they go wrong.
Francis mother fucking Drake.

Or you know, low industrialisation and Franco.
Some little French fucker whipped their "mambo king" asses....Pick up a history book kid.

Spain has always had internal friction that trumps everything when it boils over...and it boils over all the time.
They cain't even fix their cow problem, how they gonna rule the world?
To be brutally honest, and a bit dickish, in contemporary times, similar to the post-Soviet Russians, they're not a terribly industrious people.
i blame the portuguese

but i blame them for everything
I know very little of Spanish history. I just know they got weakened by years of war with Napoleon and then got weakened even further by losing the Spanish-American War. Then I have no idea what happened between then and Franco.
The answer is the dutch disease.

The overwhelming influx of silver from Peru and Mexico wrecked all other sectors of their economy and when that flow was cut, the Spanish economy took until the late 20th century to really recover.
To be brutally honest, and a bit dickish, in contemporary times, similar to the post-Soviet Russians, they're not a terribly industrious people.

Some of them are. The problem is that they spent so many centuries addicted to the silver of Peru and Mexico that on the whole they became uber mercantilistic.
Everyone takes a siesta after lunch. I went to Barcelona and it was fun.
GOAT silver "dollars". Just a beautiful coin.

I found a sweet 1790's 8 Reale that was minted in Mexico City while metal detecting in North Jersey a few summers ago.

That thing could've been in the ground for 200 years, and no doubt was a HUGE loss for the person that dropped it way back when.
Like every other cunt in Europe, they’ve come to the UK to find work because there’s no jobs in their home country.
They used to be all over this planet wrecking shit. They were one of the big dogs and now they really arent. Any reason why. How they go wrong.
I blame the accent
Though on a serious note along side what others added Charles IV and then the shit show when the French Revolution popped off crippled Spain economically and military wise. It was still a powerful nation leading up to that.
the Spanish have been sacked by a corrupted monarchy and a sold out political class, but im pretty sure the hordes of immigrants will fix this up in no time, you'll see
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