Who has the best Dad Bod in the UFC?

Big country
That's a Fat Bod. Not a Dad Bod.

They sound similar but are different - few real life dads are as obese as Roy.

Fedor is the greatest fighter ever that has a Dad Bod. So in some sense, he's the standard for dad bods, IMO.
Ban this troll
Cormier has the ultimate dad bod. It's not even close.
DC chuck tank abbot ect
Where is Chris Tuchsherer when you need him?
Bryan Barbarena just lacks the look of an athlete. We've all known guys like that still performed well in sports. The sunken chest, skinny fat midsection, and general lack of muscular definition...but will school you in their favorite sport. It's even worse when that sport is of the combat variety because badasses are supposed to look like Reem or Lombard.