Who Could Play Indiana Jones Today.


Please tell me you got the reference and are only doing that as a joke. :rolleyes:

Honestly surprised he hadn't been mentioned yet with all you jokesters around these parts.
I think this would be perfect for Bieber's acting debut
I'm with all they guys who picked Bradley Cooper.


Add a Fedora and bullwhip and it's Indiana.

LOL at Idaho Johnson.
If they where to reboot the series today, who would be your choice to play Jones?

my answer for everyone of these questions is always Mark Wahlberg or Tom Hardy. They can both play any role
Someone like a taller RDJ...it would have to be someone who could be snarky yet still likeable
no one will ever come close to exaggerating as much as ford does when he gets his ass kicked.
Clearly the best candidate considering Firefly, he's pretty much done it already.


well he was han solo in firefly not indy but still a good choice. personally i'd rather have an unknown since im always tired of seeing the same actors over and over again
how about having a spinoff franchise:

Detroit Franklin

starring Eddie Griffin as a detroit public school history teacher going on adventures on the barbaric lands of the Detroit wasteland
Nobody. That's Harrison Ford's role. Try coming up with some new shit Hollywood.