Which movie did you like more: Titanic or The Notebook?

broke back mountain was better than both
What did you like about it?
The chemistry between the two characters. The idea of this guy being so in love with someone that he was willing to build this house for her even if she wasn't in his life. And the fact that this dude was taking care of his wife this whole time and she didn't even remember him most times.

And back before I commissioned in the military and was enlisted, I always liked the fact that she chose the enlisted guy over the officer. In the real world, it's usually the other way around.
Never saw The Notebook but I'll say Titanic because it has that scene where the guy falls off the back of the boat and smacks into the propeller.
Easily Titantic. Ryan Gosling is a shit actor.
Never seen the Notebook, gf tried making me watch Titanic. Got about halfway through, got bored and wandered off.
Titanic had prime Billy Zane

Isn't he wearing a toupee? @HARRISON_3
I never saw the notebook. Should I? I thought Titanic was really good.
Gotta say The Notebook altho Titanic was dope too.
I guess Titanic wins by default as I haven’t seen the other one.