Which fighters have the biggest gap between their offense and defense?


Loli is love loli is life!
Mar 24, 2012
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As in fighters who have amazing offense and noticeable defensive holes, or great defense but less outstanding offense. Overeem used to be a good example of the former but has tightened up his defense since, Almeida as we recently saw. Ronda has incredible offense but poor striking defense. If Vitor doesn't finish you early he's done for. For the latter which is rarer Holly fits aside from the Ronda fight, and Cruz to some extent (looks good on offense but can't finish). Who else?
Travis Browne has ridiculously good offense gut terrible defense. Bisping is similar, very good output but is prone to being caught by big shots.
Benson Henderson
Pettis has really great striking but terrible defense.
Brandon Thatch...
Offense only
Cowboy also come to mind
Brock Lesnar back in the day....