Where Is 0hm, BoxingIsLife, Daffodilmcwoozy, etc?


Titanium Belt
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Where are Mcgregor's biggest fanboys with the biggest man crush here on Sherdog? All of you need to log in and receive your rightful comeuppance.

As mush as I detest Jin Akutsu, at least he was man enough to take his whupping. I reluctantly give him props for that, cause he took a beating.

Only one exempt, is my boy Rex Kwon Do, one of the few rational but just as ardent of a fan.
Here they are:

Who cares. Most of us Conor fans are still here. We are not like Aldo fans and most of Conor haters who literally stopped posting after he won.
I'm still here homie. Conor is still my favourite fighter and I'm still sporting the same AV.
Where's the Italian kid with the gorilla/tiger/conor avatar? He was the #1 cocksucka.
on suicide watch right now, they aren't allowed any Internet
oh wow! congrats! No one cares. Your boy got DESTROYED.

The most embarrassing thing is how he turned into a wrestler. he chose to be subb'd instead of being KTFO. embarrassing

Love ur 2 day old account. I'm sure you either lost an account bet against Conor, got banned multiple times or just started following MMA. I'm really interested in your posts...
At least that JagWar or whatever the fuck his name was is gone for good.