Whenever someone makes a millennial joke I roll my eyes

Its so funny talking to older gens. It's not about working hard, its about effieceny. As an example, I was talking to an Xer about how one of our processes is being streamlined with a new Excel setup we got going on, shaving hours off of our workloads.

He starts ranting "Oh, when we were starting out we didn't even have calculators! We had to do things by hand and we really learned the process in and out"

bro- who gives a fuck if you can long divide 20501508626 by 5815351 when I can take a calculator and save myself the work. Its such a dated way of thinking.
Soon enough you'll have a device that does the "way of thinking" for you too. Before long you'll be an empty shell with a processor inside.

You'd have to be a millennial to think you made a strong case here.
Honorable of you to congratulate yourself. I guess you are better than me after all.

Lol at the calculator comment. You must've designed that bridge at FIU.
Millineials have had to go through 9/11, 2009 housing crash, ISIS, multiple school shootings. Most of the massive companies we all know bloomed during this era. Gay marriage was federally legalized (stupid this was illegal unless youre a bible thumper)

Meanwhile, lets look at generation X.

Shut your mouth. Gen X went through it too but they were actually aware to know what was going on.
I am a millennial, and because a school shooting happens 1,000 miles away, doesnt mean you get to claim you went through it.
By the way I had just moved to Denver a few months before Columbine happened, and was like 8 miles away in elementary school when it happened. Our school got put on lockdown because of it. I don't claim that I went through it cuz I was in proximity of it.
And that goes for everything.
2009 Housing crash, like Millennials were buying houses out of high school? Don't get why you mentioned that.
ISIS? Get the hell outta here.
9/11? Ill give you that one.

The 80s had Crack, which effected every major city in America.
Aids. Which effected every city in America.
You had a murder rate that was constantly increasing, until it peaked in 1991.
Crips and Bloods, which were a way bigger problem than ISIS is
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This joke is so overused, any generation in charge is going to talk shit about the next generation and how its spoiled/etc.

It's so dumb to point out facts;

"Oh you guys have it better!"

Like, no shit? Would you rather things be worse?

Millineials have had to go through 9/11, 2009 housing crash, ISIS, multiple school shootings. Most of the massive companies we all know bloomed during this era. Gay marriage was federally legalized (stupid this was illegal unless youre a bible thumper)

Meanwhile, lets look at generation X.

Fall of the Berlin Wall...ok?
Challenger Disaster...wow :(
Jonestown Suicide...k
Grunge and Hip Hop :(lel)

I think if anyone deserves praise it is the Millennials just by the pure evidence.

Its mostly bullshit as well as the current generation of young people are arguably the first since WW2 or maybe even the great depression to be worse off than the previous one on average by most metrics.

Ultimately the establishment needs to focus anger on something besides itself plus counter the guilt people feel voting in a self interested fashion.
You have porn on demand.

Back in my day you were lucky to find a porno mag in the woods. Plus there was that extra syllable at the end of what is now just known as porn. Brutal existence.

Funny thing is, you really would find them in the woods sometimes.
You cannot seriously be this stupid

What age were the soldiers who went and fought in those wars ? What generation were they ? He has a point about that. and millennials are almost 40 a lot of time has gone by since we were da youf
Shut your mouth. Gen X went through it too but were actually aware to know what was going on.
I am a millennial, and because a school shooting happens 1,000 miles away, doesnt mean you get to claim you went through it.
By the way I had just moved to Denver a few months before Columbine happened, and was like 8 miles away in elementary school when it happened. Our school got put on lockdown because of it. I don't claim that I went through it cuz I was in proximity of it.
And that goes for everything.
2009 Housing crash, like Millennials were buying houses out of high school? Don't get why you mentioned that.
ISIS? Get the hell outta here.
9/11? Ill give you that one.

The 80s had Crack, which effected every major city in America.
Aids. Which effected every city in America.
You had a murder rate that was constantly increasing, until it peaked in 1991.
Crips and Bloods, which were a way bigger problem than ISIS is

School shootings are significantly relevant, many millenials are losing their children and have to fear letting them go to school in peace. Columbine was a one-off, everyone blamed it as an outlier. We are currently living in a society of CONSTANT shootings, you can be shot at gaming tournaments, at schools, at concerts. Mass shootings, no way of knowing when or how. Isis also played a role in this.

Housing crash affected many millennials including myself as the economy suffered greatly, if you think the 2009 housing crash only had to do with houses you need an education.I was one of many millennials who had to take a part time job at 14 (illegally) to help my mother afford my school, I had to forgo allowance and lunch money multiple times so that I could afford a jacket for the winter, thats like saying "Wow the great depression doesnt apply to the kids who grew up in it because kids didn't have farms!" - moron.
Every generation thinks they're better than the previous one, while the former thinks the new one is retarded and constantly bitching how it was better "back in the day." This includes music, movies or anything else.

Millenials will think the next generation is wack and theirs is better. It's all horseshit.
Wasting time doing unnecessarily difficult things makes you better at doing unnecessarily difficult things. If you run 2 hours to work everyday you will be better at doing difficult things, and you will be better at running to work. However, I would have saved plenty on time and be an overall more efficient and effective employee than you.

Likewise, when I can deposit a check, check my balances and reroute money through an app, but you are stedfast that you must go physically to the bank, well guess who's going to be faster?

Speed is the name of the game in this generation, and the turtles aren't beating the rabbits.
You're still kind of missing it, and I say this as a millenial. What @Phlog is getting at is that adversity does a couple of things: One of the things that he mentioned is that it forces you to understand the process. If all you know is the steps, and not how any of them work, when one of them fails, you won't know what to do. This is why engineering principles and critical thinking are important, and it's why many young people don't know how to change a tire on the side of the road. All they see is flat tire = car no drive. If you understand how that tire generally works, you can troubleshoot and fix it.

The second thing that adversity teaches you is perseverance. If things are always super easy, you're never required to learn how to learn. This is a strange concept for most people. Successful people do more than just paint by numbers. They're often the people who go outside their normal duties to improve something somewhere else, and that requires knowing more than just their explicit job. Think about the last really hard problem that you had that you had no idea how to approach. What did you do? Did you start researching the problem on your own, or did you run to your manager to tell you how to do it? Most millenials fall into the latter group, and it makes them unreliable in small teams where everyone is important and required to wear multiple hats for the organization to be successful.
The Classic Rock (60's-70's) generation didn't criticise 80's or 90's rock because it still rocked, despite being different. Today's music really does suck
The fact that you used (lel) is gay as fuck. Go away
Other generations don't bitch and complain/cry about what previous generations think/say about them.
This joke is so overused, any generation in charge is going to talk shit about the next generation and how its spoiled/etc.

It's so dumb to point out facts;

"Oh you guys have it better!"

Like, no shit? Would you rather things be worse?

Millineials have had to go through 9/11, 2009 housing crash, ISIS, multiple school shootings. Most of the massive companies we all know bloomed during this era. Gay marriage was federally legalized (stupid this was illegal unless youre a bible thumper)

Meanwhile, lets look at generation X.

Fall of the Berlin Wall...ok?
Challenger Disaster...wow :(
Jonestown Suicide...k
Grunge and Hip Hop :(lel)

I think if anyone deserves praise it is the Millennials just by the pure evidence.
9/11: This affected Gen X and Millenials, probably rather equally, given that most people of both generations are still alive. The 3000 people that died were likely Gen X.
2009 housing crash: How many Millenials owned homes in 2008-2009? How many Gen X-ers were homeowners then?
ISIS: How has ISIS affected you? Ever been to the Middle East or Africa? Yes, this was our generation, but you didn't have shit to do with it.
School shootings: Ok, fine. Our generation had a lot of school shootings. This isn't one you really want to say is somehow a big event though.

Fall of the Berlin Wall: You understand that this was the symbol of the fall of communism, right? You understand that the Korean War and Vietnam War were direct results of communism, right? This wasn't an insignificant event.
There's also the Iranian Hostage Crisis, Desert Shield/Storm, Panama, Grenada, and a whole host of other things that weren't mentioned on here.
millennials have experienced life fully w/ the internet

the word 'struggle' and 'millennial' shouldn't even be used in the same sentence
What age were the soldiers who went and fought in those wars ? What generation were they ? He has a point about that. and millennials are almost 40 a lot of time has gone by since we were da youf
Soldiers were fighting a war in 9/11? What the fuck are you smoking?