When was your posting prime?

On Sherdog, nothing, I'm just chilling here. Elsewhere on the 'net, about 10 years ago. I made a bunch of people rage quit various message boards and a few guys actually threatened to kill themselves after they were utterly humiliated. They totally deserved it though, one guy asked how he could become famous and make the news; I told him to jump off a highway bridge in front of a transport truck.
I don't think I can ever relive the glory days of posting about the barista or about hunting pigeons.
2011 ish? I don't know. Had a good run in the WR, then was in for the Plat golden era, then the short-lived-to-a-ban OT-stromo era, then the batshit offshooot era, and now the WR again. Plat time was most active and had the most laughs and best people.
Years ago when my original account got banned, this is actually meant to be my troll account!
Uh.... Now I guess. It's an ongoing thing. The more my real life deteriorates, the more I'm here and the more effort I put into it.

I think I'm only a couple more big failures away from ONLY existing on sherdog. So, looking forward to that obviously.
I got sick for a few days about 6 years ago and spent time sherdogging in bed. I must have had over 25 posts in that week.
Back in the day when shooping was taking off and still in P&M was my prime. OG shoopers represent.

People knew nothing about trolling

I got a handful of death threats and I got a steady flow of hate daily on Yahoo and other message boards. People were pounding their keyboards in anger all the time back then. I miss those days

Fuck I remember Yahoo Answers. Those were my glory days.
Probably 2012-2015 in the heavies. I never post there anymore.
This place is far too censored for me to ever amount to anything