When was America great?

Many of the people pwho are saying make US great again are not only talking about economics. Or at least that isn't their biggest focus. See my above post.

They long for law and order, a strong sense of community usually based upon church membership, strong sense of patriotism and pride in the flag where the US comes first also high paying low skilled jobs.

^ what you posted, note the date.
I'm now all clear on what you're saying. It was informative.
Thanks, buddy.

No problem.
That type of slogan is just food for Trump people who have a different set of values.

They long for a sense of community where people go to church and there is law and order. Where there are high paying low skilled jobs. Where there is a strong sense of patriotism where people had one sense of national identity. Where there a nuclear family and there are two parents households are held up a model.

They do not like that low skilled jobs have been automated or sent offshore. That people in cities have a more globalist outlook where they think of rights for all people in the world. Where people say the flag represents racism. Where people in cities look down their noses on rural folks. Where jihadists are shooting people in Orlando or San Bernadino. Where people from Latin America are coming across the border and competing for their low skilled labor jobs that are still in the US.
So basically these Trump people want an America that is gone and never ever coming back.
America lost its greatness during the Reagan Years, when tax cuts to the wealthy gutted the middle class and corporations were incentivized to outsource labor.

Not to mention the greatest rise in crime and destruction of the working class thanks to the misguided war on drugs and defunding of public mental health services.

We are still reeling from the devastation from the reign of Reagan/Thatcher years.

The only question is whether Reagan is just the worst president of our lifetime or the worst president ever.

I don't disagree with you here, but why do people like to blame shit on the war on drugs? People still have to abide by the rules. It's a cop out for people that don't know how to follow directions.

There is a parking ban where I live. If you park on the street at night in the winter you get $100 ticket even if it doesn't snow. It's a stupid law, but it's easily avoided if you don't park on the street.
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People can quote me and post statistics and charts, but I know when I was in high school and early 20s, products were cheap, you could virtually walk into a place and get a job on the spot, you could say and do what you wanted without everyone pitching a fit about being offended. When Obama came along, that all started to change. You can post all the graphs you want, but that is my personal experience.
I don't know about that. I see a bloated state, living off the tax money from its increasingly disinterested and demoralized subjects, along with the short-sighted loans. If the people continue to get as bitchy and weak at such a rapid rate, the United States will be but a footnote in history in about a century.

Stronger military, stronger economy, technologically ahead of everyone and culturally dominant.

People are just too bitchy because they have not known misery in their lifetimes like their parents did.
Well it was great to millions of peasants fleeing Europe. I think Jews probably thought it was pretty great compared the Nazi Germany. Or how about the time we didn't start WWI. Or the time our Irish weren't starving to death like the Irish in Ireland. That was a good time. So it's a comparative issue. You're right liberals, it was never a Utopia like the Communist Countries were.
Trump has promised to make America great again...when was it great and when did it stop being great?
Well obviously America was great when we saved the world. Don't pretend like that didn't happen
There was a lot of great things from that generation.
The family was together, Dad had a job that could support the family, Mom stayed home to raise the kids and not daycare, the Bible was read in school, morality was encouraged in school. There were many great things of that decade.

the problems were just hidden, but they were there.

women and other minorities had no authority to address problems. they had to quietly take it, which is why in modern times they may in many occasions go overboard with it.

riots in the streets. on many occasions soldiers had to walk kids to school. mccarthyism where people lost their jobs for even accusations of certain political views. segregated neighborhoods and jobs. serial killer epidemics.

and reading the bible in school is tyrannical. forcing taxpayers to financially support a religious entity, even though they may not be believers. in a constitutional republic, even the rights of a single citizen can be protected from such mob rule. allow kids time to pray if they wish, which we do, but do not force them.
Well it was great to millions of peasants fleeing Europe. I think Jews probably thought it was pretty great compared the Nazi Germany.

how would they know? most were turned away. cucks fearful of refugees. a common theme here.
This is basically a tap out, FYI. thatKid by submission. Was like Micky Gall vs CM Punk.

Wrong. I updated the data of an out of date source using words and descriptions. Then I left the discussion. Where do you see a tapout?