When "Anybody want something from..."

Jesus. That seems a little harsh. Sure, maybe he should've been a little more savvy about these sorts of things, but I could understand how someone--especially a young someone--could get confused in that situation.

Eh, maybe a bit. But TS conducted himself in an incredibly self-centered manner. He turned what was a consideration of him into a 'heated argument', showing an enormous amount of disrespect to a friend who was willing to do some leg-work for him.

Perhaps the harsh responses will cause him to reflect upon his actions a bit and become a better friend to thoughtful people.
ok some food






I'll admit I do keep a $20 tucked in my glove compartment for emergencies. I'm not going to use that to buy fast food though. It's strictly for emergency type situations and that's it. I just don't see the point of having cash anymore. That $20 in my car has been their for over 2 years now I've never had to use it.

Well I guess it depends on how much you mind just staying at the house when someone says, "I'm running to Taco Bell, anyone want anything?" If you had that $20 in your wallet you could just hand it over and keep chilling.

In any case, I almost feel like on principle we shouldn't become dependent upon digital dollars. That's some 1984 kind of shit.

I sold my old car my brother and I forgot to take the $20 out. So we're talking one day and I ask him how the cars doing and he's like oh it's running great no issues. Then he goes "I even found a $20 in the glove compartment and got some weed with it". I was a little pissed cause I hate losing money like that but it wasn't his fault.

That's hilarious.
Eh, maybe a bit. But TS conducted himself in an incredibly self-centered manner. He turned what was a consideration of him into a 'heated argument', showing an enormous amount of disrespect to a friend who was willing to do some leg-work for him.

Perhaps the harsh responses will cause him to reflect upon his actions a bit and become a better friend to thoughtful people.

I notice that he hasn't come back to the thread. I suspect the revelation of how wrong he was and the subsequent embarrassment and blow to his pride is its own punishment.
when someone is going to the store or fast food place and someone says this are they expecting payment for the request???

i got into a heated argument last night cause i refused to pay for something i thought was a gift!

what would you do?

In my experience when someone makes this offer they are offering to pick up and transport your shit, not buy it for you. I will either send money along with them or expect to pay them back upon their return. Usually my friends will tell my not to worry about repayment for small expenses like drinks, snacks or fast food meals since we are pretty generous with each other, but it's best not to assume that your shit will be paid for unless you're told it will be.