Whats Your Ab routine ?


Purple Belt
Feb 6, 2004
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Hey just wondered what every ones Ab work out was , as im curious to what people do and a lot seem to have different methods and techniques .
squats, deadlifts, bench press, power cleans, and dont forget a nice run every now and then. That will get the job done.
You do need to spend time working the abs on there own, the best time to work the abs (like any muscle) is when they are warmed up, A jog will warm them up great.

Lie on the floor and move your legs as if you were cycling a bike, put your hands behind your head interlocking fingers and then do half situps so that your left elbow touches right knee and right elbow touches left knee...try it...do 50-100
Lie on your back and raise your feet of the ground 6-12 inches and hold for 15 seconds, do this 2-4 times.
Lie on back,put your hands on your thigh's and slide your hands up your thighs until they reach over your knee and then slowly back down until your shoulders are touchng the floor, repeat...Do 50 times.
Basic Crunches and situps.
You had me wondering what an Abb was.. used to seeing it as "Ab" or "Abs".

Anywise, this guy with unimpressive abs does:
Monday: Superset
Weighted Crunch Machine (20lbs from the stack!)
Saxon Side Bends (Grab dumbbells and know pain).

Friday: Superset
Hanging Leg Raises (using those sleeves that hang off a pullup bar)
Weighted Twisting Incline Crunch

As I said, not sure these are the best. I still have a gut, but my abs look stronger since I started doing these pair of supersets. Why superset... umm, because it makes my lifting partners bitch like metrosexuals.
Day 1:
dragon flags 2-3 x 12 *sometimes add weight and go for lower reps
saxon side bends 2-3 x 5

Day 2:
Full contact twists 3-4x3-5
Ab wheel rollouts 1x20 (on knees), 2-3 x 5 (partials etc trying to work up to full ones)

that combined with squats, deads, clean + jerks, snatches, overhead squats, sand bag shouldering and sledgehammer work, which also hit my core.

Plus the hundreds of crunches, situps, v-ups, medicine ball situps, medicine ball drops ect ect that the trainers make us do in class.
Mondays (pull day) - Weighted Abwheel rollouts from knees, saxxon side bends.

Wednesday (press day) - Hanging leg raises, windmills.

Friday (squat day) - Weighted ab wheel rollouts, metronomes with dumbell between ankles.
I think that situps work well up to a point but i think that if you want strong abs then you have to do hanging leg raises. That is the hardest ab exercise in my opinion. I think that my abs are strong and they although I need to lose more bodyfat to be able to see them well.
I just started with the full contact twists. Believe me, brother, these are the real deal!
Ongy said:
I think that situps work well up to a point but i think that if you want strong abs then you have to do hanging leg raises. That is the hardest ab exercise in my opinion. I think that my abs are strong and they although I need to lose more bodyfat to be able to see them well.
Abwheel rollouts >> hanging leg raises

I can do hanging leg raises easily but am nowhere near being able to do a full standing ab wheel rollout.
#1can said:
whats a full contact twist?
It's just like that power coil thingie posted, but it's probably inferior to this since you aren't stabilizing as much.

However, you can add weight with the FCT.
I do 3x10 decline situps with 45lb / 20kg plate in my hands above my head.

and 3x14 of these decline situps I cant explain properly but they absolutely kill and hit your whole midsection.. When I finish these my abs just about cramped pretty much.

I do windmills aswell.
PikeKing said:
how are you doing these weighted?
just chucking a bunch of weights into a backpack, works really rather nicely; seen a couple of people, including Urban, saying that by the time you can do half body weight you're ready to try them from standing.
Madmick said:
It's just like that power coil thingie posted, but it's probably inferior to this since you aren't stabilizing as much.

However, you can add weight with the FCT.

Is it what i call a russian twist? (sit on ab bench, lean back and twist with weight at arm's length)
2x a week I do jacknives with gymnastic rings (very similar to Ab wheel rollouts).
Static L-sit holds from the rings also, for time. My shoulders and arms give out before the Abs do, however.

Also do standard crunchs and leg lifts while watching the TV on 'rest' days.
Workout option 1:
Hanging Pikes

Workout option 2:
Decline Weighted Situps
Decline Russian Twists
I usually split it up into 3 days a week:

Day 1
Weighted Decline Situps
Saxon Side Bends

Day 2
Ab Wheel
Decline Russian Twists

Day 3
Decline Russian Twists
Partial Dragon Flags/Leg Raises
#1can said:
Is it what i call a russian twist? (sit on ab bench, lean back and twist with weight at arm's length)

No, google it, Pavels got an article on bodybuilding.com about them.

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