What's the future of Trump's supporters and the Republican party?

i think this is right actually. the dems are responsible for trump being in office. i expect republicans to be shitty greedy people who vote based on their wallet at the expense of all else or to be so hateful that they will vote against their own interests in order to fuck over some illegals or stick it to the libs.

but the democrats were supposed to be the party of the average working man and while they still pay homage to that mandate it is all smoke and mirrors and people can feel it. if the dems don't make some progressive changes (fiscal policies) and make it clear to the american people that is the direction they are going we are going to get worse than trump over time.
This is not something new for the failure-crats; they've a proven record of losing to morons and village idiots. They twice lost to bush, who couldn't have been a bigger halfwit, and then hillary's faceplant with trump...after openly rigging the game with her pied piper strategy. The democrats couldn't win a fixed game!

But, boy-oh-boy did they ever mobilize to stop sanders. Why, even sell-out liar obama was trotted out of mothballs to smear and bleat. The 1% had their mouthpiece who would enthusiastically screw the Public.

I guarantee Biden is happy he has a Republican senate excuse to continue the work of the 1%.
biden is ready for immediately sidestepping possible solutions like a green new deal with teeth and halting the insanity of fracking; in favor of repackaged tax cuts and "rebates" for filthy industries and his bottom-feeding donors. Throw in some corporate bailouts in the mix, yet again, no UHC and just watch them hand it over again.
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If that were the case Bernie Sanders would be the nominee.

A democratic primary does not reflect the opinions of a huge percentage of traditionally dem voters much less the opinions of independents, traditionally republican voters and traditional non-voters.
I thought pretty much the same. The party is very unpredictable. But Republicans were successful in distancing themselves from Bush, not sure what's going to happen post Trump.

hiya MeatheadMike,

i think there is a chance that the left won't let the right distance themselves from Trump.

This is not something new for the failure-crats; they've a proven record of losing to morons and village idiots. They twice lost to bush, who couldn't have been a bigger halfwit, and then hillary's faceplant with trump...after openly rigging the game with her pied piper strategy. The democrats couldn't win a fixed game!

But, boy-oh-boy did they ever mobilize to stop sanders. Why, even sell-out liar obama was trotted out of mothballs to smear and bleat. The 1% had their mouthpiece who would enthusiastically screw the Public.

i wish i could disagree with any of this but i cant. they used to represent the average person now its wine cellar pete!!
It was easy to distance themselves from Bush, because the Iraq War blew up in their faces and he left with an approval rating in the 20's. Trump has no such issues, and he is the guy who pulled the party out of the rubble and remains extremely popular. It's not easy to distance from that. Especially since they really have no backup plan.

hiya HereticBD,

i'm not even sure the Iraq War was the primary drive of Mr. McCain's loss to President Obama; it was the Great Recession.

if you combine both those phenomena, you get a pretty grotesque cocktail, for sure.

i agree with your take on Mr. Trump having "no such issues", though. i would imagine that Mr. Trump will be difficult to disown (unless someone more popular springs up out of the grass. someone with the right mix of celebrity and chutzpah).

No, I think he can. Of course the hardcore folks aren't ever gonna flip, but that's not all of them. It really boils down to the economy. If after four years, it's in the shitter, he's gonna have a hard time getting re-elected. However, if he can get it back rockin' and rollin' to close to where it was, people will be satisfied and not want to rock the boat, and Trump won't have that weapon to wield.

hiya HereticBD,

if we're talking about voters, i think Mr. Biden can win over actual conservatives, and he can win over Republicans.

Trump supporters? i don't think its possible.

if you feel that Mr. Trump is an instrument of God, you probably can't be won over.

True, Trump didn't get us into any new wars and outright wreck the economy. But socially he has been so polarizing that the divide between left and right is probably the worst its been since the civil right's era. Also the republicans could easily put COVID on him if they wanted to. But distancing themselves from him doesn't seem to be their approach at least for now, I guess we'll have to see what happens when the election stuff cools down. I'm guess a lot will depend on whether or not Trump can stay relevant afterwards

hello Meathead,

the GOP can't distance themselves for now.

a) Trump is still POTUS.
b) Trump may run again in 2024
c) Trump remains popular with the GOP voters (unlike GWB), so a GOP member of the House or Senate distances themselves from Mr. Trump at their own peril.

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'm pretty sure all 71 million of them will just go away once he's out of office and they'll come to their senses

herro nostradumbass,

its possible.


62 million of them forgot about GWB pretty quickly.

I'm guessing he'll keep trolling until he's dead/in jail and his supporters are way, way too dedicated to just go away by themselves. They literally pray to him, begging him to intervene in arrests and shit.


They love him for being FAT/WHITE/RACIST.

They can absolutely relate.
hello Meathead,

the GOP can't distance themselves for now.

a) Trump is still POTUS.
b) Trump may run again in 2024
c) Trump remains popular with the GOP (unlikes GWB), so a GOP member of the House or Senate distances themselves from Mr. Trump at their own peril.




Get the fuck over it already.

He LOST by 5 MILLION votes to a fucking CORPSE.
He’s either gotta use it to fuel a third campaign, or use it to crown the next Republican candidate while keeping much of the attention on himself.

drstrangelov, hail!

i think President Trump is thinking about the best way to monetize the public support he currently has.

Gotta love how lefties are so preoccupied with Republican Party and it’s “uncertainty” when in reality it’s the democrats that are divided.

hiya grimballer,

the Democrats aren't really divided, though. i get that a great deal of focus remains on the progressive wing of the party; but that isn't really new. every administration throughout history has had to deal with the fringes of the party; there's nothing new going on here.

lefties are mostly curious if/how Trump supporters disown their support for him in the coming year.



Get the fuck over it already.

He LOST by 5 MILLION votes to a fucking CORPSE.

It's responses like that one, that makes people believe you're a 12 year old girl.

@IGIT isn't a Trump fan, and nothing he said was false.
So depending upon how far left the Democrats move, the Republicans will respond with a proportionate move to the right.

hello MusclesMarinara,

when you say, "the Republicans will respond with a proportionate move to the right", what does this mean?

i'm not trying to be snarky, either. i'm honestly curious what this means.

the GOP's raison d'etre over the last decade has been this;

a) lowering taxes on the wealthiest Americans
b) deregulation - ie the Environmental Protection Agency

are you saying that they will deregulate even more and lower taxes on the wealthiest Americans more aggressively?

The tea party movement will continue...

hi machidafan99,

it will?

lol, the Tea Party morphed into the even more fiscally conservative Freedom Caucus...and the Freedom Caucus then promptly fellated President Trump for four years.

they have zero credibility on the issue of deficit spending.



Get the fuck over it already.

He LOST by 5 MILLION votes to a fucking CORPSE.
A dead, decades long warmongering Wall St sellout vs. idiot game show host, buffoon and a tragicomic travesty.

I think we lost, all of us. I bet there is a VIP room at Goldmans somewhere, just laughing their asses off right now that we still take it serious.