Social What's something most people won't realize will kill you in seconds?

I have left the oven on at night a couple of times. Literally would have killed myself if not for the windows being open. There's also the chance your air conditioner could malfunction and fill your house with carbon monoxide.
Ffs, I was jokin and you're over here giving yourself gas poisoning lol.
Yeah, I guess opening a window helps save lives ;)
I have left the oven on at night a couple of times. Literally would have killed myself if not for the windows being open. There's also the chance your air conditioner could malfunction and fill your house with carbon monoxide.
Umm, air conditioners don’t and can not create carbon monoxide. Not sure where you got that from. I think being sure you turn off your oven is a better tip than leaving windows open all night. Leaving your windows open isn’t really helpful at anything beyond fresh air. Its not something thats going to save your life.
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Umm, air conditioners don’t and can not create carbon monoxide. Not sure where you got that from. I think being sure you turn off your oven is a better tip than leaving windows open all night. Leaving your windows open isn’t really helpful at anything beyond fresh air. Its not something thats going to save your life.
Yes, it will. No oxygen to breathe = you dead
Asphyxiation from hydrogen sulfide in underground or enclosed spaces. I saw a video of a dude climb down a vat in a sewage processing plant and as soon as he got a few rungs down the ladder he passed out and fell in to the sludge.

There are countless stories of sewer and utility workers dying from it. Shit is no joke.
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Being busy on your phone while crossing traffic is one. Being choked is another.
driving easily, is the biggest one for me. It astounds me how everyone takes their safety for granted on the road.

I guess just being potshotted by an assasin would do it too but the statistics for that from either a mad shooter or a criminal are comparatively rare to many other things. But, it would be quick if it happens.

Another is just life in general, we don't know what's going on in our bodies or what shortcomings our particular organs and innards might have. One person might have a weak vessel in their brain, another might have an undetected heart condition. None of us are promised tomorrow.
Umm, air conditioners don’t and can not create carbon monoxide. Not sure where you got that from. I think being sure you turn off your oven is a better tip than leaving windows open all night. Leaving your windows open isn’t really helpful at anything beyond fresh air. Its not something thats going to save your life.
I read that inside air is worse than car pollution, don't know if it's true or not. I would think fresh air would be better than not. The old time boxers realized that, seemingly, before they realized that booze wasn't good for them.
These guys that split lanes at 80mph+ on a motorcycle. I'm all about riding but not like that
madness, it's like they are just as cocky though, riding down the middle of the lane, past a traffic jam. I ain't mad at 'em, but struck by the irony of how not only motorcyclists but also pedestrians and bicyclists seem to overcompensate for their lack of protection by doing the opposite of what they should do. I don't get it.
Asphyxiation from hydrogen sulfide in underground or enclosed spaces. I saw a video of a dude climb down a vat in a sewage processing plant and as soon as he got a few rungs down the ladder he passed out and fell in to the sludge.

There are countless stories of sewer and utility workers dying from it. Shit is no joke.

I can appreciate the conclusion of this post

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