Multiplat Whats on your wishlist for Cyberpunk2077 2? (Project Orion) News & Update thread.


Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
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*Spoiler Thread*
Do Not View This Thread If You Haven't Played Cyberpunk2077 and do not want spoilers for it.


Thought this would be an interesting discussion, since so many of us have played CP2077 and have high expectations for the sequel.

So far the only details known about it is its current development name is 'Project Orion,' CDPR's new Boston studio is where is being developed, and its using Unreal Engine 5.

This article from March details all known info -

After playing through CP2077 four times and currently in my fifth, my wishlish is this -

*More Streetkid, Corpo, and Nomad storylines.

In CP2077 the tutorials for playing as each were interesting, but too short, unsatisfying, and almost pointless because other than a few dialogue options in the main game there was no point in choosing one or the others.

It'd be a huge improvement if each had a long tutorial section (1+ hour long), along with their own storyline missions throughout the main game with its own unique characters (protagonists & antagonists), as well as their own tie-in endings.

I've played as a Corpo twice and found it to be the most unsatisfying, with the shortest prologue and the fewest sections of the game and areas of the world dedicated to it.
The Streetkid has the streets.
The Nomad the outskirts (And the Aldecaldos)
The Corpos have... the skyscrapers?

There's relatively few missions that take place high up in Skyscrapers but they're always high-class areas that make you think 'definitely a Corpo area.'
Also, the glimpses of the Corpo life we see looks very interesting with spying, espionage, assassinations, financial scheming, and conspiracies.
There's already been four Mega-Corps wars, it'd be very interesting to actually see and fight in a fifth.

Streetkids storyline should be a crime-drama with gangs, druglords, smuggling, and gang-warfare over territory.
Lots of movies & tv series to borrow ideas from.

The Nomad storyline with the Aldecaldos was the most fleshed out, but also the most poorly written in CP2077, but shows the most potential that CDPR will write and even better Nomad storyline in the sequel.

*More interraction between Corpos, Streetkid, and Nomads.

And by 'interraction' I mean conflict.
Think of them like the Terran, Protoss, and Zerg from Starcraft. Each with their own strengths and weaknesses but there is no clear favorite when any of them go to war.
Most of the interraction V has between the Corpos, Streetkids, and Nomads have very little combat between them with a few exceptions not no where near enough.
So it makes seeing a war between Corpos VS Streetkids, or Streetkids VS Nomads, or Nomads VS Corpos very intriguing.

*Corpos have seperate mega-corps (five I believe).
They're the fewest but strongest and most well-funded... but its best for them to stay in their skyscrapers.
*Streetkids have different gangs, the most numbers, and know the streets far better than the other two.
*Nomads own the wilderness, outside of the city. With their armored vehicles they'd own the other two if they try to expand outside the city limits.
(And there should be multiple of Nomad clans to battle against).

*Goodbye Night City & 2077.

Not sure this is going to be a popular opinion, but this is why I have this opinion -
Typically when a developer sticks to the same location in a sequel its both familiar to the audience and the developer doesn't have to make a new location from scratch.
Since this is a new studio (CDPR Boston) and a new engine (UE5) I think its going to be a new city that takes place in North America (CDPR owners have stated Cyberpunk is an American property, hence why their Boston Studio is making the new one).
Highly doubt it will be an established city like New York, but chances are like how Night City was a futuristic west-coast city it seems fitting the next game to take place in a east-coast city.
Which means no desert.... thank god.
They #1 setting in games and SciFi movies I am most sick of is desert, and yes that includes CP2077's.

As for when the sequel should take place... 2099 has a ring to it, in the same way saying 1999 does (Think of the Prince song).
And since everyone ages significantly slower in the future (Rogue is over 100 years old in 2077) there's still the possibility of characters returning from the original game.

*Missions & Storylines with multiple endings.

Those who have played Witcher 3 know this was CDPR's bread and butter formula for making side-content be as good, if not better, than the main game. It also made the game very replayable.
Giving the player choice & consequence for decisions in the game is extremely satisfying.

Before you say 'but there are missions and storylines with multiple endings in CP2077,' yes there are but not anywhere near the amount as Witcher 3's.

The vast majority of the fixer gigs are 'go in, steal something, leave, & get paid' with minor variations like resuing a kidnapp victim or assassination.
Phantom Liberty had a number of missions and storylines with multiple endings, so if they go into the sequel with the goal to make the entire sequel like Phantom Liberty's mission variety and choice I would be very very satisfied.

*Get as close to being GTA without it being GTA.

We all remember so much od the marketing for CP2077 in the lead-up to its 2020 December launch. The hype was incredible and completely overblown.
But with UE5, if they can make a futuristic GTA, then dammit they should get as close to it as they can.

Or, as least make it as damn close to the 2018 demo as possible, with absolutely nothing cut out like there eventually was in the final game.
If you're thinking 'wait, what was cut? Isn't CP2077 now exactly like what was promised in that demo?'
No, it got around 80% of the way there.
Hard to believe this was released 6 years ago.

Last point-
*Add 3rd-person perspective & Cinematic Dialogue curscenes. (Like Mass Effect & Baldur's Gate 3)

I'm not going to lie and say 1st-person doesn't have its advantages, but its very obvious that 3rd-person is superior in gameplay & narrative... because you can actually see your own character instead of just seeing it when you look in a mirror.
Those who have played Larian's two most successful games - Divinity Original Sin 2 & Baldur's Gate 3 - know the improvement that cinematic dialogue cutscenes provide to the narrative.

So, what do you think of my wishlist?
Have any of your own you'd like to add?
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This is how good CP2077 looks now on a beast of a PC, with Ray Tracing, and 'Dreampunk 2.1' graphics mod.

Just imagine whats going to be possible in UE3.
Ive played thru it twice now (pre 2.0 and after 2.0). Heres my wishlist (let me spoiler it for those who havent played it or finished it yet):

    • Better car mechanics - The Cars were some of the finest looking but because they handled like tanks and the camera was a pain, I used Jackie's Arch almost exclusively.
    • New setting - Like you I need a break from Night City. Theres so much history inside the CP universe thats established. Boston, NYC, Europe, Asia. I do agree that we need to fast forward in time. One of the endings see us FF to 2079 but that means V is a mere beta choom with no chrome. Which leads me to my next point.
    • CP2077 Tie in - Of the 5 endings, The Tower, IMO, is the best tie in to a sequel. You get tensions between Orbital Air and Night Corp, and the possibility of a 5th Corporate War and the 2nd Unification War. To me that would be a great starting point for a sequel. You're several years into either war, with mentions and cameos from Reed and Meyers. You also get mentions of Arasaka and the "fallout" with Hanako's takeover and Saburo "returning" from the other corporate offices mentioed at the end (Paris, Dubai, and Kyoto).
    • New Main Character - No matter how you spin it, V's story is finished after 2077/79. The Devil see's him either living on as an engram or back in NC. The Sun sees him as the new big Fixer in NC and running the afterlife. I could see him losing his life to some choom trying to make a name for themself. The Star sees you leave NC altogether with the Aldecaldos into the wastelands/desert. Who knows what becomes of V after that. Temperance sees Johnny live on as V ceases to exist and Panam doing everything in her power to hunt Johnny down. Johnny leaves into the sunset as well. The Tower sees V losing all ability to use any chrome and become an everyday choom. Best option for that route is V takes Reed's offer and joins the FIA as a desk pusher.
More Johnny silverhand.

And a more happy ending option since they are all kinda sad.
Went ahead and added a spoiler warning at the top of the OP, as if it wasn't already obvious discussing the game in detail wouldn't be a major subject. So spoiler tags aren't necessary.

Better car mechanics - The Cars were some of the finest looking but because they handled like tanks and the camera was a pain, I used Jackie's Arch almost exclusively.
Absolutely agreed.
In practically every playthrough I used Jackie's Arch because its the best vehicle in the game when it comes to manuverability and speed.

With most vehicles it was like you're driving on ice, and you're turning from the middle of the vehicle and not the front.

Never had any problem with the camera through. While driving its the only time throughout the entire game you're in 3rd person.

As for your other suggestions, I highly doubt there will be a 'canon' ending for the original game that a sequel would recognize. It cheapens the whole point for there being six or seven endings.

Cameos for established characters that survive CP2077 would be interesting, like Myers and Panam.

Would be interesting if there were multiple hints at multiple endings of 2077 being the 'real' one, but nothing official.

If it takes place in 2099... imagine this.
Your character meets up with a young 19 year old Aldecaldos girl who you do a few jobs with, and she leads you back to her clan and you meet her mother, who you immediately recognize as Panam.
Through conversations with the daughter she mentions she was raised exclusively by her mother.

This could be a *Wink*Wink* that the Aldecaldos-Panam ending is the canon ending to CP2077, or not because V is never specifically mentioned and its never mentioned her father died before she was born.
Or it could be said V knocked up Panam in the Panzer Tank. <lmao>

Just spitballing ideas.
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3rd person option for melee combat.

Although, FWIW the melee combat in 2077 is not terrible.. I found it to be executed better than in Elder Scrolls games.

It would also be cool to see some more fantastical cyber mods, like flight or the ability to morph or something like that.

Either way I am in for a sequel. I liked 2077 a lot more than I expected to.
It would also be cool to see some more fantastical cyber mods, like flight or the ability to morph or something like that.

This reminds me of an idea I had while thinking of GTA3 San Andreas. Jetpacks.

One of the few issues I have with the gameplay of CP2077 is its too horizontal. Its not often you're shooting at enemies on the roof of a building while you're on the ground, and drone enemies are too annoying to hope they would be more common.

Enemies with jetpacks, or a Iron Man suits would be more futuristic, would certainly make the combat more vertical.

Was thinking of GTA3 because one of the most brilliant mini-game of any game ever was 'Vigilante.' You get into a cop car and drive to a certain part of the map to take out an enemy within a certain amount of time, then two enemies, then a crowd, then there's dozens of enemies within a number of vehicles you have to kill. It was like a horde mode before those became commonplace in games.

That'd be perfect for a game like Cyberpunk2077.
It still amazes me no one has ever copies that mini-game inti another open world game or franchise, and amazingly Rockstar just left it in those GTA3-era of games without bothering to bring it over to GTA4&5.
I think that they should make Night City more alive, give certain NPCs lives, homes, activities.

I'd also like more things to do in Night City. Maybe take a page out of Yakuza and GTA playbooks and have mini-games around the area, maybe jobs, hang out with friends and dating as well. Jobs? Maybe work for a major corperation as a side gig? A smuggler? Work for Trauma Team? Vehicles would be nice, bikes and skateboards too.

Remove the level cap. If you want to max your character, you should be able to do so.
This reminds me of an idea I had while thinking of GTA3 San Andreas. Jetpacks.

One of the few issues I have with the gameplay of CP2077 is its too horizontal. Its not often you're shooting at enemies on the roof of a building while you're on the ground, and drone enemies are too annoying to hope they would be more common.

Enemies with jetpacks, or a Iron Man suits would be more futuristic, would certainly make the combat more vertical.

Was thinking of GTA3 because one of the most brilliant mini-game of any game ever was 'Vigilante.' You get into a cop car and drive to a certain part of the map to take out an enemy within a certain amount of time, then two enemies, then a crowd, then there's dozens of enemies within a number of vehicles you have to kill. It was like a horde mode before those became commonplace in games.

That'd be perfect for a game like Cyberpunk2077.
It still amazes me no one has ever copies that mini-game inti another open world game or franchise, and amazingly Rockstar just left it in those GTA3-era of games without bothering to bring it over to GTA4&5.
They definitely need to make the level design far more vertical and not just take advantage of the real estate in the skyscrapers like you mentioned, but the megabuildings as well.

Each megabuilding (residential apartments) are supposed to be self contained little cities. I think I recall CDPR wanting to flesh V's complex out far more, hence the inactive elevator, but it was gutted due to tech limitations on older consoles.

I really want them to have much of the game take place in Night City again just so they can add all the things they wanted to initially and more.

I really want starting professions to have more meaning and unique stories, and that could happen with corpos and street kids having their own questlines taking place in relative towers, Corpos in Skyscrapers, street kids in megabuildings etc... Netrunners could have their own storylines in Cyberspace as well. This would make replayability far more compelling.

On top Night City getting a massive makeover, I want full access to the moon base Tycho and the Crystal Palace casino in orbit. I expect the latter to at least be in the game considering one of the endings. There are other stations they can expand into as well.

I'm sure they'll have another city as well, and I wouldn't surprised if it's Chicago. It's mentioned heavy enough in the game, as the maglev network connects both cities by one of the endings. There are two massive corporations (Stormtech and Cytech) who could likely play a role in the inevitable next Corpo war.

Regardless, I'd love to be able to take the Maglev to another City, or take a spaceflight to one of the stations.

I'm sure we'll also see cyberspace fleshed out more with the teased rogue AI beyond the blackwall prepping an invasion.

I hope we also get the return of Morgan Blackhand, one of the most legit badass Solo's in the lore. he's the lore nemesis of Adam Smasher, who I don't think we've seen the last of.

Karl Urban should play him.
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The ability to get Judy Alvarez to change teams.

Panam clears.

Not sure when the sequel would be set but I hope it's way more advanced technology wise. 3077 would be cool. Some badass alien city.
They definitely need to make the level design far more vertical and not just take advantage of the real estate in the skyscrapers like you mentioned, but the megabuildings as well.

Each megabuilding (residential apartments) are supposed to be self contained little cities. I think I recall CDPR wanting to flesh V's complex out far more, hence the inactive elevator, but it was gutted due to tech limitations on older consoles.

Karl Urban should play him.

I left alot out of the OP because I didn't want to make a Top 50 things I want in a sequel, which no one would read, and your posts comes pretty close to one of the points I was most tempted to mention -



There's no question CP2077's Megabuildings design are heavily inspired by Dredd's Peach Trees. And its a damn crime none of the updates never added a mission that V fights through dozens of floors and hundreds of gang members.
I left alot out of the OP because I didn't want to make a Top 50 things I want in a sequel, which no one would read, and your posts comes pretty close to one of the points I was most tempted to mention -



There's no question CP2077's Megabuildings design are heavily inspired by Dredd's Peach Trees. And its a damn crime none of the updates never added a mission that V fights through dozens of floors and hundreds of gang members.
Fuck that, run wild, I'll read them lol.

I love Pondsmith's Cyberpunk universe, and CDPR are the perfect partners to bring it to life. I generally temper my expectations with games, but I'm anticipating amazing things from the sequel. I think it's a safe bet that they'll deliver something truly special.

They learned so much from the first game and its expansion, never making this type of game before. Just imagine what they can do when they can spend more man hours on mechanics, level design/world building and quests. With the jump to Unreal they can easily ramp up staff and go for broke.

Good call on the Dredd inspiration. What a shame we never got a follow up!
Fuck that, run wild, I'll read them lol.

Start off with the main points of the Wishlist in the OP, and then trinkle in a bit more every few days/weeks. Play the long game to keep the thread alive, in addition to updates & news of the sequel released.

Seen this video?

Yes! His no clip videos are awesome. I'm obsessed with that kind of stuff, especially in Dark Souls games. Cyberpunk had so much cut content that it gave him loads of areas to explore.

I think he tried remaking an abandoned casino on the outskirts of the city too, but I'm not sure if he ever made it an official mod or not. I'm pretty sure he had a great video exploring the area where Dogtown would be long before the DLC.
Man @GearSolidMetal you're rekindling my love for this game. I played it last year around Xmas time for my second playthrough (first a few years ago) with the update and PL. Things are slow for me through January so I always take the time to relax. I lost myself with a good 120-ish hours of playtime and countless lore videos, comics and novels, just absorbed in the universe. My hard drive and ram died though, so I had to play it on my laptop which struggled with PL. It took samsung and riptide a good two months to make good on their return policies.

While my PC is still pretty decent, I was planning on waiting until I upgraded my GPU for another playthrough, but I just saw a video with NG+ and FSR 3.1 mods out in the wild.

I was hoping CDPR would release their own NG mode so I could keep my upgrades and have tougher enemies, so with big performance gains with FSR 3.1, I may do another run this xmas. Both mods could use a little more time in the oven too

NG+ timestamped
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NG+ timestamped

NG+ was on my top things I hoped CDPR would add in, and still quite surprised that they haven't added in now that the game is 'finished.'

But on the other hand, you still get pretty OP quite quickly in the game with thr PL level cap being 60, and you can upgrade your Iconic Weapons to Tier5 by starting at Level25/StreetCred50 (I believe) and all Tier5 Cyberware is available at Level 40. Generally I got up to Level 40 just my playing 1/3rd of the game.

Larian & Bethesda has some something unprecidented that I REALLY wish CDPR did... downloading mods to consoles. Big wasted opportunity for them not to do it for CP2077.

What I see as the future on consoles is paid mods.
We all remember the drama of Steam & Bethesda trying to charge for mods, but with consoles I see it as an untouched market. With Unreal Engine 5 now practically becoming the standard engine for so many future games there's going to be teams of modders developing their own complicated mods, and they're just being funded on crowdfunded sites then releasing the mods for free for anyone to play and enjoy.

That's a benefit to PC that they're free.
For Consoles, it'd be benefitial to Sony & Microsoft, and the original developers of the games, to open up mods to be downloaded for a price. The split should be 50/50 between the console & game developers and the modders themselves.

This would be a way to keep the lifecycle of a game to go on for YEARS.

So, add that to my wishlist for CP2077's sequel.
Gang missions

Join some gang become a boss of said gang like guild quests in skyrim