Whatever happened to Karo Partisan?

idk what happened but I do know that the Karo/Nick Diaz/Diego fights between those 3 were absolutely fucking insane. Some of my favorites to go back and watch every once in a blue
Ultimately he wasn't that good.

His decline got blamed on xanax and painkillers, iirc but his claim to fame was always judo tossing mid level dudes.

Every time something bad happened to Karo, I celebrated. He was an MMA dickhead before it was cool. So, a lot of Sherdog would have loved him.
Hamstring injury that led to pain killer addiction that led to anxiety issues
Ego, painkillers and who knows whatever else.
At this point, probably not even himself.
Living in a tent under the city bridge thinking if people know who he is
LGBTQ’s were not a big thing and still stigmatized when he came out as Bi.

bipartisan that is
OxyContin and Father Time.

I think a clean, focused Karo could have been a perennial top 5.
Nobody going to mention he ran into Pre-USADA Thiago Alves?

JabToucher is too busy refreshing the front page to be the first comment in every thread he sees to actually educate himself about the history of the sport.
Lol take it easy on him man, we all know