What would you do all day without the internet?

I've been in a jam where I haven't moved in 4 hours because the road I'm on has been closed, ram it with thinking you know every scenario, sunshine.

Jesus, how do people live in cities with that kind of congestion? Screw that for a joke.
I've been in a jam where I haven't moved in 4 hours because the road I'm on has been closed, ram it with thinking you know every scenario, sunshine.

Silly-con Valley traffic is ok (between San carlos and Mountain View) if you leave by 6:30am, which is not bad. Try that in LA or NYC and you're fucked.
Actually get some games of gloomhaven in, finish painting my miniatures, play more guitar, clear out my Steam backlog
Get more cats.

A lot of us are cord cutters so if the internet is down that also means that all of the streaming services you have would also be down. So unless you have an antenna for your TV to watch normal channels you wouldn't be able to watch TV at all.
Last time my internet went down I couldn't even watch a DVD because the PS4 won't even play it if it's not internet connected.
Today I'd be doing nothing without internet, but with it I'm going to Sherdog, stream sports and maybe even look at porn.
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
10K run
I kinda wish it would go down there would be things like this place and youtube I'd miss but
beyond that yeah sometimes I wish it we would go without for awhile and it would nice to see the
return of physical media, video stores and better TV.
Acid, meth, PCP, shrooms, ketamine, and winstrol.
Read , work out, walk the dogs more. What i normally do but longer now.

My life is internet, working out, walking dog and working/uni. I'd have to replace internet with reading like when I was a kid back in the 90s but other than that I'd be fine.
Yesterday the internet was down at work for like 2 hours and I nearly had a panic attack.
If a natural disaster somehow knocked out the internet for an extended period of time (like a week), what would you do all day? This means no playing games, streaming videos, porn, shopping, etc.
