What were you like when Diaz won?

I was so pumped, woke half the neighbourhood up here in N Ireland :)
I honestly wanted Conor to win, but when Diaz pulled it off I actually celebrated. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I was happy for Nate. I was just glad it was a fun fight.
i was like ..... blacked out drunk damn near.
Stockton slapped landed

Connor shot for the TD - panic wrestled...

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I was seriously considering putting my bank account on Diaz afterwards I felt so dumb!
I like Conor, still like him but I always liked Nate Diaz much more than Conor. So I was very excited for Nate, specially since I didn't expect much out of him on such short notice.

Seriously. Fell asleep just before the Tate v Holm fight :(
I was bummed. I wanted Ultimate Fighting Conor to continue...but i was happy nate got his money.