What was South America and Africa's roles in WW2?


Green Belt
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Can somebody give me a history lesson of what the countries of these continents were doing when the world went to hell?
Making this thread was easier than just googling it yourself?
Zee Germans had north africa. South Africa was under british rule since the boer war. So guessing they helped the British like all the other commonwealth states.

I thought it was common knowledge that Nelson Mandela and Adolf Hitler were an item.
Some Brazilian ships were sunk by the Germans and they sent about 20k troops to Europe. That's about it for SA.
Africa sucked in it's chest to lower the sea level so then Europe could pass through more canals and stuff.

Africa was being invaded. South America was a worthless asshole. Even Antarctica sent penguins to fight. The brutal Tuxedo Massacre of '41.
South America became a retirement home for those cheerful german officers.
Please don't involve us in this madness was the plan. If it reaches our borders then so be it we go to battle.
Argentina in 1938



Argentina today


There were sympathizers all over the world. Hardly an effective argument to post up some pictures as though they mean anything.
Especially with Peron in power at the time.
TS, go watch that movie 'The Power of One' (1992)
Don't remember what it's all about but u should find some answers there.