what the hell

Dirty Holt

Black Belt
Professional Fighter
May 11, 2005
Reaction score
i tried to max out on squats on wednesday. i can zercher squat 440 with my ass about 4 inches off the ground, yet when i do back squats, at 405 with the legs a little below parallel, it is about all i can do. any ideas why my zerchers have become better than my back squat? i dont normally do back squats, but i always just figured they were easier than zerchers.
It's pretty easy to make heavy Zercher squats ugly as fuck and basically Zercher deadlift it from your waist up. I would be highly shocked if you could cleanly Zercher squat 440 without rounding over like crazy.
squat more i guess. my normal squat has basically plateued(please sp) but my front squat is going through the roof
I'm the same. We must be, as Donut suggests, dirty dirty zercher hoes.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a specificity thing. You don't normally back squat, so if you were to continue to do so, you would probably experience prodigious gains in a short period of time, and probably exceed your Zercher squat.
i put it kinda towards the bottom of my traps on my shoulders. i am kinda thinking it is because i dont squat a lot, but it just seems very weird that my zerchers have surpassed my back squat. i think i am going to video me back squat, it might be a technique thing. i dont have mirrors.