What land animal is the ultimate hunter?

Well, clearly it's humans.

Honorable mention:

I was going to mention house cats or domesticated cats. Little monsters that watch us sleep. Vicious and unforgiving. My brother's cat had a habit of going after ground hogs. More than once I've looked out his window to see a ground hog running away while it had it's claws dug into his haunches.

@lsa @HI SCOTT NEWMAN @kevy2pale

Some are very skilled hunters... @lsa on the other hand

You know, we could just assume it's humans and argue about number two.

Edit: didnt see "land" in the title. Oh welll gonna leave this up. Plus there is this

Polar bears are obviously at the top of the food chain but there are many bears that are frightening in size and ability to dish out devastation. Kodiak's for example are apex killers.


Male African Lion. His bitches get food for him , he doesn't have to do much besides eat ,sleep, shit fuck and fight.
I wish to say domestic Cat for obvious reasons :p :p :p . But in truth its the Polar Bear... largest land carnivore on earth.

Polar Bear
Kodiak Bear
Some that come to mind.
Well, if you could argue intent, mosquitoes have killed millions by spreading malaria.

Mosquitoes are the GOAT but do they qualify as "land" animals?