What is your favorite Aroma?

Marijuana. Even during times when I'm not smoking I still love the smell for some reason. I think it's because it reminds me of being around friends and good times.
Fresh cilantro and lime... I could sniff a bowl of pho all day long.
While there are so many varied answers ITT, some slightly more popular than others, the only real consensus seems to be Ricardo Aroma
I love the smell of exhaust fumes emitted from an idling vehicle .
fucking love the smell of gasoline.

freshly mowed lawn is up there.

the Seaside boardwalk (as i'm sure many other boardwalks) has this awesome mix of ocean and funnel cake in the air.

there's a chocolate place in the mall that gives me a boner every time i walk past it...forget the name though.
Lime, coffee, hops, and fresh baked blueberry pie. and bacon.
Clean laundry, ocean breeze.

Edit: and yes,

Bacon. You are correct sir.
A sizzling rib-eye and baby back ribs on the BBQ
Freshly ground coffee beans
Fresh cut wood
Fresh cut grass
Freshly laundered bedding
The nape of a one night stands neck
Rosemary and mint are also high on the list.
A nice smokey barbeque grill in the summer.

And lol at all you romos and you're scented candles.


Also fresh quality coffee or freshly roasted coffee beans.