What is the outcome of a fully executed neck crank?


If that dude didn't have the neck of a giraffe at that time.....he sure has one now.
If Shinya Aoki-caliber grappler puts someone in a headlock, he will screw the other guys head clean off. After the poor guy passes out of course.
Regret, a whole fuck load of regret.
They hurt like a mother fucker. Peeps tap pretty fast from the pain well before any sort of "real" damage can be done.

But there are a couple types of neck cranks and some aren't dangerous but are killer pain!
Depends on what type of neck crank.

I once had someone do a sleeper on me from behind, but decided to go for a twisting neck crank instead. This prick decided to torque an extra second or so after I tapped. I heard a couple of pops in my neck and then he let go. Scared the living shit out of me. He wasn't a mean guy, just one of those oblivious assholes who go into another world when they're sparring and have little self control. I assume if he kept going though, he would've simply broken my neck.

If you're talking about a "can opener" style neck crank, I don't know what would give first, because the vertebrae are being pulled/compressed, instead of being twisted. I imagine there'd be some muscle tears and maybe even popping of a couple of discs. It also probably depends on how flexible your neck is, because that crank can't go much further than your chin touching your chest.

One of the worst can opener style neck crank's i've ever seen is Mark Kerr vs Borisov Igor.
I've never grappled. Don't know shit. Just wondering what happens if someone does a neck crank and the guy never taps. An armbar will eventually snap your arm, chokes make you pass out...will a neck crank eventually break your neck if no tap or escape?

Neck crank is more of a pain submission. You'd wind up tearning and damaging ligaments in the neck and put the person in a neck brace. Definitely a possibility of disc damage, as well. Same kind of damage, but from a different angle, as a whiplash injury, I'd venture to guess.
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Have you not seen any Steven Seagal movies? Neck...snapped