What is the funniest movie ever?

Sounds like somebody needs a hug

Tropic Thunder.
dumb&dumber - never laughed so hard at any movie (even pissed myself laughing for the second time watching it)

ace ventura 2

monty phyton holy grail

The original Ace Ventura is leagues better than the sequel. However, the fake rhino anus birthing scene was funnier than anything in both movies and was one of the hardest I have ever laughed in my life.
Dr. Strangelove. Kubrick could do any genre and create a masterpiece
Songs From the Second Floor

HM: To Be or Not to Be, Dr. Strangelove, Barton Fink, Team America
MST3K: The Movie

Had me literally rolling on the floor.

It caught me by complete surprise because I've never even heard of the show before stumbling upon the movie.