What is everyone's favorite or go-to submission?

Leg and arm triangles.

Any other sub is normally by accident.
For me, the only subs I can really finish with any kind of regularity are americanas/kimuras from top, cross-collar chokes, or any kind of front headlock choke (brabo, anaconda, guillotine) although I am slowly getting better at armbar from mount.

Favorite sub is the cross-collar choke; goto is still front headlock chokes.
Guys i have a question about submissions. I've been doing bjj for 2 years now but i really don't know how to submit. People who have been doing bjj for 4 months know how to submit better than me. I really only work on my escapes and even then they're only ok. I've been told from the beginning that submissions will come but when you're yougner, you should learn to escape. It's really strange that people who have been doing it for 4 months know how to submit people better than me though. Am i supposed to work on it? By the way, i'm still a white belt.