what equipment do you wish your gym had?

bad seed

Feb 25, 2012
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My gym is fairly well stocked with high quality equipment- elitefts monolift, ssb, all manner of specialty bars, 100lb plates, dumbells up to 250 lbs, etc.. but we are missing a fairly crucial piece of equipment, and that is the glute builder.

Youve probably seen that wierdo Bret Contreras "The Glute Guy" rave about this like its the most important exercise ever. Its catching on in powerlifting circles too, but I must admit I've never actually done it. I had one botched effort when I tried to do it on a bench but I just ended up embarassing myself. I think with a dedicated setup designed for optimal glute bridging I can take my hip thrusting power to the next level.
butt launcher is pretty good like doing a backwards legpress ive had horrible pain in my glutes i wish could use a machine that works my glutes sometimes its good to take a band and wrap it around your legs and do hip extension forward and backward well rollerblading is horrible for glute pain, it makes it worse actually ..this is a good thread but unfortuantley this part of the forum went to shit they latflare ,jim rusell, thunderhead, and couple of other trolls are too busy trolling my thread and i told the mods to lock it
-Glute ham raise. I'm doing a ghetto makeshift version
-More flat benches (It get pretty busy when I usually come in)
The equipment they use st Speed of Sport and Sport Science Lab
I'd like some different bars, e.g safety squat bar and something like a football bar.

Safety squat bar is next on my buy list.
I'd be happy with a platform, more 20's and bumper plates.

Snatching becomes russian roullete with iron plates, crappy bars and an arms length of space before you decapitate the bozo on the machine behind you.
We have most everything but I wish we had more strongman stuff. Yoke walks, Conan's wheel etc.

Maybe an area in the back lot with all this stuff.
Proper lifting platforms would be great.
A place for the dumbells that doesn't get in the way of the lifting platforms.

More lfiting platforms so I don't have to wait ~2hrs some days to get some snatch/cleans in.
I'd be interested in trying a hip belt squat.

But having tried various speciality bars, strongman stuff, things like GHRs, reverse hypers, etc, and from training with people who've tried those things as well, I've come to the conclusion that for most people they really aren't that important.
An Airdyne. Not a huge fan of having to come into work early to take the machine out back, use it, clean it, and then put it back on the show room floor. I love using it though.

Jerk boxes would be nice as well.
My needs are pretty basic. At the gym here in Jordan and the one I go to at home in Thailand, another squat rack would be great- both places only have one. I will assume that stuff like platforms and GHRs is 2-3 steps too far. The gym in Turkey is almost like a home gym- squat rack, bench, bar and plates, chin and dip station. Not many people use it and almost no one squats, so don't need any major new pieces of equipments. Heavier dumbbells would be pretty nice.
Honestly I'd be stoked if they just got another squat rack, so fucking crowded
Squat rack and Kettlebells would be awesome.
We have great weightlifting platform and a separate powerlifting platform (the same thing).

I just wish we'd have speciality bars like football bar or something. Also some cardio equipment for warming up because we have nothing at all but I guess people don't go to a powerlifting/weightlifting gym to do cardio lol. And it's kinda sad but a big number of 1,25kg plates or dumbells ranging from 5kg to 15kg have been stolen. And I wish there'd be clips besides the weighted ones.
Naked girls

Lifting platforms

Barbells that aren't bent

Pull up bars that aren't attached to that weird cable pulley tower machine thing.
Also some cardio equipment for warming up because we have nothing at all but I guess people don't go to a powerlifting/weightlifting gym to do cardio lol.


Although I don't really get doing cardio as a warm-up.

Although I don't really get doing cardio as a warm-up.

The spanking rope? Usually used as a warm-up in the bed room. Wouldn't mind using it in the gym but the others might think badly of me.