What do you think of welfare?

Its a relatively small percentage of our taxes and not really worth getting upset about but in my personal experience everyone i know who gets governmentt assistance is nothing but a lazy piece of shit
Welfare is a fine idea in theory but its been bastardized and exploited to the point its practically a viable way of life. We should offer welfare without strings for a couple of months. Then you should have to give back to continue to benefit. Community service and the like. Just imagine if all the people in the inner cities on welfare spent a couple of days a week picking up trash around the city or something similar.
Its a relatively small percentage of our taxes and not really worth getting upset about but in my personal experience everyone i know who gets governmentt assistance is nothing but a lazy piece of shit
If you heard of someone stealing the same amount of money that the average welfare recipient gets during a year, it'd seem like a pretty serious crime.
Welfare is a fine idea in theory but its been bastardized and exploited to the point its practically a viable way of life. We should offer welfare without strings for a couple of months. Then you should have to give back to continue to benefit. Community service and the like. Just imagine if all the people in the inner cities on welfare spent a couple of days a week picking up trash around the city or something similar.
What about farmers getting welfare and corporate welfare, should the farmers and CEOs also pick up trash?
Ah, the weekly "If you're poor it's your own fault" thread. Same bullshit every time. Same weak defense of greedy rich people, same blindness to economic reality.

Meanwhile rich people suck companies dry, throw everyone out of work, and then collect tax breaks on their "loss". Just an awesome country all round.

Many around here have trouble grasping the concept of working poor or admitting such a thing exists. I think it's because if they did, they'd have to also admit that people on welfare are more likely to make working poor of themselves than continue to collect welfare if given the opportunity.

Almost everyone I know who has ever collected any kind of assistance waited until they were absolutely desperate for help to apply rather than try as soon as their need became evident. In other words, the average person on assistance doesn't want to be there and doesn't remain there any longer than necessary. People who complain about welfare are blind to the larger issue of rich people not paying their share of taxes (because it's usually them).

The richest 10% pay 90% of all taxes. You don't know what you're talking about.
Can someone share some anecdotes about people legitimately scamming the welfare system? I keep hearing about it but where is the proof?
Welfare should cover the minimum standard of living. Prevents a lot of crime, solves a lot of social problems.

The incentive to work, should be more than to just "gain a roof over your head". I think we can allow ourselves that amount of luxury in the 21st century. You shouldn't be going to work, just to pay the rent or to get some food, you should be going to work in order to build a life for yourself.

Of course, there will be the people who will prove themselves capable of living with just the minimum, but let's face it, those people weren't going to be overly productive at work, anyway. Not a huge loss, atleast they're not out robbing grandmothers on the streets.
Can someone share some anecdotes about people legitimately scamming the welfare system? I keep hearing about it but where is the proof?
My gfs sister and her boyfriend collect food stamps. They own and rent out 5 houses and make a killing. They both are on disability for "excessive flatulence" Dead serious.
It’s been a lifesaver for me fighting a life threatening illness

I always feel like people are looking at me/judging me like I’m scamming everyone tho. cuz I look pretty much like a normal young Man unless I’m in the middle of a chemo cycle.
So you are opposed to farm subsidies and corporate welfare also?

I’d prefer no corporate welfare. I’m ok with sensible help for farmers.

I am too blackpilled to believe either will happen any time soon.
Can someone share some anecdotes about people legitimately scamming the welfare system? I keep hearing about it but where is the proof?

What proof would be acceptable to you?
I’d prefer no corporate welfare. I’m ok with sensible help for farmers.

I am too blackpilled to believe either will happen any time soon.
Why is it ok to subsidize farmers but not help poor non-Farmers?
I quit my job and went on welfare so that i can post full time on sherdog. Its been a massive public benefit compared to doing what i used to do in a steel mill. Look at my thousands of likes i receive
I used to think welfare was awful. Now, I realize that it's a necessity in an economy designed to maximize profits for the most effective corporations.

Essentially, our system works to eliminate the inefficient players and to consolidate market share in the hands of a few extremely efficient organizations. Moreover, our system rewards employers for reducing the amount of money they spend paying employees.

The natural result is that people will find themselves unemployed and underemployed even though they would be willing to work harder for more money. Some people will find themselves working 40+ hours a week and still unable to afford the basics. It is the nature of capitalism.

Knowing that, there has to be something in place to protect those people who find themselves on the wrong side of capitalism, however temporarily. And most of those people are children and the elderly. People who have limited options to improve their economic position.

So welfare is a necessary component of an effective capitalist society.
Complex issue summed up: The original intent of a safety net is easily turned into a safety hammock that enables generational poverty.
This is a good approach.

I look it the same as unions: it's a symptom not a problem. But welfare has been weaponized in the US to break up the family and encourage hopelessness.

If the economy worked properly it wouldnt be worth talking about. It's a gap filler for the broken part of the circle but it is used to keep it broken not to fix it.