Social What do you think about this rebuttal to the idea that Gays are trying to influence children?

all the old people I know say that. I'm just talking about the united states.
Like I said, shared strife is easier on a person than inequality even if they technically have a better life. I'm not making a judgement on that either way but it's human psychology. It's also important which old people you're asking, a white guy working a factory job could support his family comfortably and live in a close community, a black guy couldn't even vote and had to deal with segregation and lynchings.
Like I said, shared strife is easier on a person than inequality even if they technically have a better life. I'm not making a judgement on that either way but it's human psychology. It's also important which old people you're asking, a white guy working a factory job could support his family comfortably and live in a close community, a black guy couldn't even vote and had to deal with segregation and lynchings.
mostly non white people.
a white guy working a factory job could support his family comfortably and live in a close community

Meh, your dollar definitely doesn't go as far these days but there are still plenty of industrial jobs and they aren't the ones we're looking for when populist politicians (with a voting record to match their rhetoric, mind) talk about being paid a "living wage". I've moved up and out of direct field work but it's still my area and I have an obligation to defend, promote and advance its interests.

We have a workforce shortage that is quickly turning into a crisis. STEM skills don't even necessarily mean a prereq four-year university degree and mountain of debt, most of them can be attained with an AAS or even short term certificate program; both of which are very accessible.




Who was writing the history though, or should I say who was that history about? Sure as hell not the common folk, the ones who endured the overwhelming majority of the problems in history and worked to sustain the lives of themselves and the upper class. I do think we face a lot of problems that are unique in history and that simpler lives could benefit us, pain and hardship is mostly relative and inequality is harder on us than shared strife.

Life would have been harder, but often when you look around at poorer areas of the world it can seem like people are happier despite not having as much material wealth and comforts. Hard to know though.
Life would have been harder, but often when you look around at poorer areas of the world it can seem like people are happier despite not having as much material wealth and comforts. Hard to know though.
No doubt which is why I keep saying relative experience is more important than anything. People are miserable obsessing on social media where they see what seems to be perfect lives of the people around them. I think it really comes down to what you judge. We live longer and with less violence than the past, but psychologically we have some serious problems that have never existed before.
No doubt which is why I keep saying relative experience is more important than anything. People are miserable obsessing on social media where they see what seems to be perfect lives of the people around them. I think it really comes down to what you judge. We live longer and with less violence than the past, but psychologically we have some serious problems that have never existed before.

Social media I am sure is a factor, as with the broader artificial realities that people see around them (TV, social media, etc) that is largely inauthentic and manufactured.

And even comparing yourself to something real. Reminds me of a story I was reading about rural Mexican kids that had access to TV's and would be drawn to what they saw. Like they saw kids their age doing more interesting things on TV from the cities, and the young men would drive cars and do all those things, where in a rural village there was not much to do. I can see how that would play on someones mind.

So greater access to information across the board will create a lot of challenges, along with the opportunities.
Social media I am sure is a factor, as with the broader artificial realities that people see around them (TV, social media, etc) that is largely inauthentic and manufactured.

And even comparing yourself to something real. Reminds me of a story I was reading about rural Mexican kids that had access to TV's and would be drawn to what they saw. Like they saw kids their age doing more interesting things on TV from the cities, and the young men would drive cars and do all those things, where in a rural village there was not much to do. I can see how that would play on someones mind.

So greater access to information across the board will create a lot of challenges, along with the opportunities.
Growing up in a small Texas town far from any city let alone a major one, I can relate very well to that. I still get culture shock from simple things, I constantly feel like I missed out on so much that I will never fit in.
Yes, some Gays are trying to influence children

Am I the only individual here in this thread with children?
I've got four including my step-daughter who's gay. My oldest daughter & my son are both straight while my youngest daughter identifies as bisexual. And, yes, it was apparent from the time that she was a toddler that my step-daughter was gay. She was just always interested in other girls instead of boys. But, we raised her the same way that we raised her sisters & let her discover her own identity & she came out to her mother & I when she was about 14. Her sister, on the other hand, came out to us as bi at about 10. Of course, she wasn't dating at that young age but she knew that when she did start a few years down the line that she was going to be attracted to both boys & girls. And, that's exactly what happened.
Both are out & proud of their sexuality & quite happy & well adjusted. My step-daughter has been married to her wife for four years now & my youngest daughter is just casually dating people of both sexes while she finishes up her education.
Needless to say, I love both girls unconditionally.
Growing up in a small Texas town far from any city let alone a major one, I can relate very well to that. I still get culture shock from simple things, I constantly feel like I missed out on so much that I will never fit in.

And yet, 'a simple life' seems to be quite rewarding for some, and is desirable by many who see the city as being a rat race. I don't think there is a good answer to it all really, except to try to focus on the basics.

The world is becoming more and more complicated all the time.
what you want doesn't mean anything, kids are gay, straight, or bi regardless of your wishes.

"the penis wants what it wants" Thomas Jefferson

He said that? <45>

"I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." - John F. Kennedy, speaking at a dinner honoring Nobel Prize winners of the western hemisphere.

Colin Talley argues that the sodomy statutes in colonial America in the 17th century were largely unenforced. The reason he argues is that male-male eroticism did not threaten the social structure, or challenge the gendered division of labor or the patriarchal ownership of wealth.[2] There were gay men on General Washington's staff and among the leaders of the new republic.[3] In 1779, Thomas Jefferson wrote a law in Virginia which contained a punishment of castration for men who engage in sodomy.[4]

Fucking Monster. Oh, wait.

Jefferson intended this to be a liberalization of the sodomy laws in Virginia at that time, which prescribed death as the maximum penalty for the crime of sodomy. It was rejected by the Virginia legislature.[5]

Death probably is better though. :-/
They could also always get married. Yet a big deal was made about that too for some reason.


There were still sodomy laws against same-sex activity between consenting adults on the books as late as 2003 in 13 US states. It's kind of ridiculous to complain about something being politicized when the state had already preemptively done that, including actively sponsoring repression and essentially making it the public's business.


An insane level of "special rights". Not really.


Of course, things have been hijacked by the gender identity "movement" and the internal war about this fundamentally different issue was settled about a decade ago with the ENDA debacle. The powerbrokers won, too much of an intersection with commerce and the industrial medical establishment to turn down.

As mentioned in another thread with conservative legend @IDL, I remember John Aravosis penning an article on Salon asking what the hell he has in common with a man who wants to cut off his penis, surgically construct a vagina, and live as a woman (answer: zero). He was eviscerated for it. Indeed, something is very wrong when people think they could ever, in their wildest dreams, take shots at someone like Martina Navratilova.

thats what they said in the 60's

Am I the only individual here in this thread with children?

I've got four including my step-daughter who's gay. My oldest daughter & my son are both straight while my youngest daughter identifies as bisexual. And, yes, it was apparent from the time that she was a toddler that my step-daughter was gay. She was just always interested in other girls instead of boys. But, we raised her the same way that we raised her sisters & let her discover her own identity & she came out to her mother & I when she was about 14. Her sister, on the other hand, came out to us as bi at about 10. Of course, she wasn't dating at that young age but she knew that when she did start a few years down the line that she was going to be attracted to both boys & girls. And, that's exactly what happened.
Both are out & proud of their sexuality & quite happy & well adjusted. My step-daughter has been married to her wife for four years now & my youngest daughter is just casually dating people of both sexes while she finishes up her education.
Needless to say, I love both girls unconditionally.

No, I have a (biological) son from an ex-marriage (to a woman).
I take it this is in response to the pedophilic 'drag kids' degeneracy that is now being pushed. Yeah, because joking with a 5 year-old about having a girlfriend is the same as dressing a ten year-old boys like prostitutes or getting them to do strip shows in gay bars.
Quick question. If being gay is purely genetic then why would gay people care about influencing children?
Anyone who claims that he/she would would not rather want their their children to be straight is a craven liar who would rather spout the politically correct line then saying what they really think.