This question has been bugging me a bit ever since I started training camp for my fight. While I have other stuff to do like studying, I am currently unemployed so I have quite a bit of time and leeway to structure my days around training.
My usual days look like this:
Road work and conditioning workout in the morning (about 1 hour)
Training in the afternoon (about 2.5-3hours)
Weight lifting in the evening (30min-1hour) depending on the day
So I train about four hours a day, or 4.5-5 hours on days I lift. This shit tires me the fuck out and at the end of the day I am sapped of energy. I worry that I might be over-training at times but at the same time have this nagging feeling I'm not doing enough. I'm constantly asking myself, should I jog a few more kilos? Do a set of situps before bed? Should I eat that extra donut?
I imagine most top fighters train even more. Which boggles my mind to think about because they must have so much energy. So I'm left wondering how most fighters structure their days and what they do between training sessions. Do they do stretching exercises? Various activities for recovery? Or do they just chill and do whatever?
I've been stretching between my workouts and trying to drink lots of water as far as recovery goes. But I mostly study for school, watch and study fights online, or just fuck around posting on sherdog or playing video games.
What do you guys think? I guess if you're Pacquiao, you'd attend congress and whatnot.
My usual days look like this:
Road work and conditioning workout in the morning (about 1 hour)
Training in the afternoon (about 2.5-3hours)
Weight lifting in the evening (30min-1hour) depending on the day
So I train about four hours a day, or 4.5-5 hours on days I lift. This shit tires me the fuck out and at the end of the day I am sapped of energy. I worry that I might be over-training at times but at the same time have this nagging feeling I'm not doing enough. I'm constantly asking myself, should I jog a few more kilos? Do a set of situps before bed? Should I eat that extra donut?
I imagine most top fighters train even more. Which boggles my mind to think about because they must have so much energy. So I'm left wondering how most fighters structure their days and what they do between training sessions. Do they do stretching exercises? Various activities for recovery? Or do they just chill and do whatever?
I've been stretching between my workouts and trying to drink lots of water as far as recovery goes. But I mostly study for school, watch and study fights online, or just fuck around posting on sherdog or playing video games.
What do you guys think? I guess if you're Pacquiao, you'd attend congress and whatnot.