What did you learn today?

If you want life to be smooth , without stress and trouble free, stay home. If you embrace life and take chances, shits gonna happen, be that person..
The joy of getting my manager fired wasn't all I hoped.

Still good though,
I just saw on NHK World's Science View there's an electrical ray that has an organ that makes electricity. They removed the organ and put wires in it and got electricity.
I learned a few subtle details about the proportions of human anatomy. I'm going to forget them and rediscover them the next time I need to draw something like this, though.
Learned from my doctor that I have a stomach bug which is why I been feeling like shit for the past two and a half days
Learned from my doctor that I have a stomach bug which is why I been feeling like shit for the past two and a half days
I learned via Apple News on iPad that a person can have a lump under the skin that moves around and is from an actual worm in there. For this reason, I freak out when I walk past a pile of dog shit that has flies flying around not wanting the flies to deposit worms into my skin or eyes.
I learned a big octopus can eat a crab by biting with its hard beak, injecting saliva into the crab to get enzymes in there to separate the meat from the shell, then cleanly eat all the meat and soft stuff leaving just broken pieces of crab shell with no trace of any insides.

I learned a village in Japan that expects a 34m tsunami wave has multiple tall metal tsunami evacuation towers and has villagers organizing evacuation route walk drills and stocking emergency food and supplies. A Tokyo police dept has a Twitter where they take turns posting useful disaster preparedness tips like putting a plastic bottle of water on a flashlight to make a lantern that significantly illuminates more than the flashlight alone, stuffing loosely crumpled newspaper in a garbage bag and using it to stay warm. There was something about using paper towel as a face mask, but they didn't go over how to make it.
That MVP can beat McGregor
That there are online sites for corresponding with prison inmates
That Clippy's first opened thread was not on Mayberry and it was a normal thread
That I am too tired and maybe it's because of lack of complex carbs and maybe I should eat some oats in the morning
That there is this Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Method in weightlifting
That there still is a Mike Perry war wagon
I learned a new ad exercise that I will try out tomorrow.
I learned if you have to pee but your bladder is blocked by enlarged prostate, you can go into shock and die.

Last night, I saw an article where this guy on a plane had an emergency pee situation. I think the article said he was bloating from the pee being unable to come out due to blockage. Luckily there was a Chinese doctor who made a makeshift catheter tube sucking device and he sucked the pee out and spit it out.

Do you think your doctor would suck your pee into his or her mouth in order to save your life?
I learned there's such thing as vagina weightlifting.

This is a treatment for senior citizen women who involuntarily pee themselves. The weight looks like those wifi toys that webcam girls put inside and has the same wifi alien antenna things. Vagina weightlifting is one way they try to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to hold the pee in until safely reaching toilet.
I just saw on NHK World's Science View there's an electrical ray that has an organ that makes electricity. They removed the organ and put wires in it and got electricity.

Harvest them all. Make them ours. We are human. They are things. Take take take