What are your most evil company rankings


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
For me Facebook is number 1. If you really follow them closely you'll see just example after example of them trying to be sneaky and deceptive to their users, the public, and sometimes even Congress.

1. Facebook - Zuckerberg basically stole Facebook from the winklevoss brothers. He used underhanded tactics to oust his friends from the company early on, and then facebook went on a long streak of violating their own terms and conditions. They promise they'll only use your personal info for x purposes, but then once they have it they use it however they want. Every time they get caught they just issue a public apology and then do it again.

Zuckerberg also got super pissed at apple because apple sent out an update that explicitly asked people if they wanted Facebook to be able to track them. Before that, Facebook would just do it and most people didn't know. Now that they had a choice, they were selecting "no" and Facebook was losing money.

2. Amazon - I actually like Amazon but I have to admit they do some shady things. The one that bugs me the most is that if you create a new product Amazon will let you sell it on their platform. But behind the scenes, they have all the data on which products sell the best, and they take those products and create their own version of them and sell it, effectively stealing the market share of the person who originally came up with the product. Not sure how they're getting around the patent system but I'm sure it has something to do with being able to afford better lawyers than Mr. Joe Schmoe who invented a product in his garage.
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They have paid out more than any other company for illegal and unethical practices over the years (totaling into the billions).

One example of their abhorrent and criminal behavior was experimenting on kids in Africa, without parental consent, and then under-dosing them in order to make their medication seem more effective.

“Pfizer gave the children a substantially reduced dose of the ceftriaxone (specifically, 33 mg/kg)[2] relative to that described on the US FDA-approved prescribing information. The allegation is that this was done to skew the test in favor of its own drug.[3] Pfizer claimed that the dose used was sufficient even though a clinical trial performed by Médecins Sans Frontièresrecommends a dose of 50–100 mg/kg.[4]

Five children given trovafloxacin died, as did six of those given ceftriaxone.”

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Oh yeah, I remember reading some terrible shit they've done years ago
I'm pretty sure they still do but yes they have a rich history of terrible things. Child labour for one. Would check out some vids on YouTube.