What are your best solutions for stopping corruption in D.C.?

hello franklinstower,

i listen or read NPR (on their website, of course) every day, so i didn't really have to do any research, lol.

just take the time to read their coverage from 2015 on Mrs. Clinton, or just browse the articles. there were lots of them, sure, but you can't measure NPR's "bias" in such a crude, quantitative manner.

if i tweet ten times about you and once about Jack V Savage, does that show bias against Jack?

what if my one tweet is about Jack goes like this?; "JVS lives in a nice home on the West Coast"

what if my ten tweets about you go more like this?; "Franklinstower is a son of a motherless goat"

think about that for a moment, and get back to me on how NPR was in the tank for Hillary Clinton back in 2016.


Again igit there is nothing about your own personal perception that is more valid than mine or anyone elses. I used to listen to NPR every day also. I found it to be life changing but then I started to notice bias and because I loved them so much it bothered me more than seeing it on MSNBS or other garbage.

My distaste for NPR is that they could and should be better than they are.
hiya franklinstower,

Again igit there is nothing about your own personal perception that is more valid than mine or anyone elses.

i guess Donald Trump could use the same defense. certainly those that deny AGW use this line of "reasoning" all the time.

if it works for you, its all good to me.

I used to listen to NPR every day also. I found it to be life changing but then I started to notice bias and because I loved them so much it bothered me more than seeing it on MSNBS or other garbage.

My distaste for NPR is that they could and should be better than they are.


Enforce the laws that are on the book is a start.
You said that we should cut all funding to them, which would effectively kill them.

hiya JVS,

NPR doesn't pass the purity test, for Franklinstower.

they lean too far to the right. or they're a hive of neoliberal propaganda.

...or something along those lines.

i give up with Franklinstower. its a drag to make a good faith attempt to address his grievances with NPR, only to have him double down on his conviction in post after post whilst he ignores anything i respond with.

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Drain the swamp. How many democrats have made all their millions while in office?
The way you end corruption is the same way you end any unwanted behavior. 2 steps.

1) Transparency. Corruption needs to be easily seen.

2) Consequences. They need to be such that they are not worth the risks. Half a million for a reelection campaign is only worth corrupt shenanigans if the punishment for getting caught is resignation and a fine as opposed to a couple decades in prison. Corruption needs to be viewed more and treated more like treason.
hiya franklinstower,

I guess Donald Trump could use the same defense. certainly those that deny AGW use this line of "reasoning" all the time.

if it works for you, its all good to me.



Actually it worked for YOU. Here is the statement from you that I was replying too. Its indicative of your entire stance in this thread. I say I see bias in NPR and other media and you say you don't see it and are therefore right......

Here is what you said.
"i listen or read NPR (on their website, of course) every day, so i didn't really have to do any research, lol."

For someone who has accused me of holding the position I do only because a candidate I like blinds me (a statement I have clearly refuted BTW) you seem to be at least as open to bias, more actually because I have never stated that I don't need to to any research.

In fact most of your arguments have just been attacks on my age, personal bias because I like a candidate and immaturity all of which were demonstrably wrong. You have also broken character and thrown insults which seemed quite out of place since I thought there was no charge between us at that point.

hmmmm .... ponders

Feels like I am dealing with a biased child who places more faith in his perspective than facts......


ponders again........

Well it seems that what is good for the goose is goose for the gander and we are back to square one. I do see bias in NPR's coverage and you don't and that is ok with me but seems to really bother you to the point of needing to hurl personal attacks.
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You said that we should cut all funding to them, which would effectively kill them.

Yes I did but that was me being hyperbolic. Presently I am content calling them out whenever possible helping others to begin to see the bias for themselves, and no longer donating money to them. They are still far better than any cable news network that I am aware of-- which makes them more dangerous when they lie.

There needs to be some kind of measures taken to force media to be less biased but as demonstrated by this thread it is a very difficult problem to deal with effectively.
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Term limits for starters. Immediately Rolling back Citizen United.

You can self finance a campaign but you have to disclose financial forms to make sure money is accounted.

From the little I know of how Mexico approaches elections, I like how they go about it. The government supplies each candidate with money to run for office based on the number of officials in the house and senate. I also believe broadcast companies should provide free air time to each candidate evenly.