What are the greatest 8-bit, and 16-bit games of all time?


Life allows the illusion of relativity
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
For 8 bit, I think I have to go Mike Tyson's punch out. Super Mario 2 might have more to it, but for pure fun, P.O. is it for me.

16-bit, that's a tough one.. I think I might go fantasy star, or after burner. Sonic is also in the running.

What do you think? If we can make it to 40 posts in here, which might not happen, I'll make a poll.

This isn't about modern gaming, so I think this forum works.
Mega man x and ninja turtles in time
8-bit is Super Mario 3 and it’s not even close.

Id actually say the first Zelda was better. But yah, SM3 is a solid choice. Although for pure frustration, Duck Hunt. Seriously, fuck that god damned dog and his fucking laugh.

16 bit.... god damn thats a tough one. Way, way to many 16 bit games to choose from. You would almost have to limit it to genre to help move it along.
Punch out was pretty good. Contra for 8 bit too.

16 bit - Street fighter.
8 bit- super mario bros 1. the sequels are better but damn that game was the start of some magical shit.

16 bit- for me it was secret of mana or final fantasy 3, either of those games made me feel like i was playing something else entirely.
Dragon Warrior

Final Fantasy two and three
Id actually say the first Zelda was better. But yah, SM3 is a solid choice. Although for pure frustration, Duck Hunt. Seriously, fuck that god damned dog and his fucking laugh.

16 bit.... god damn thats a tough one. Way, way to many 16 bit games to choose from. You would almost have to limit it to genre to help move it along.

Apparently when I was like 2 or 3. I would try to play duck hunt and would cry when the dog laughed.
Super Mario 64 goat game ....

That fact that all these years later people are still discovering ways to shave a few fractions of a second off of their speed runs is amazing. I still play it from time to time just because of how crazy fun it is. Top game of all time is a possibility, top 5 is no arguement.
That fact that all these years later people are still discovering ways to shave a few fractions of a second off of their speed runs is amazing. I still play it from time to time just because of how crazy fun it is. Top game of all time is a possibility, top 5 is no arguement.
Still holds up today , there are games that age badly , but 22 years later Super Mario 64 holds the test of time , just a masterpiece.
A Link to the Past
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy IV (II)
Final Fantasy VI (III)
Super Mario RPG
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Altered beast
Streets of rage
Super Mario 3 >> All

16-bit GOAT: Link to the Past
Honorable Mentions: Mega Man X1-X3, Super Metroid, Super Mario RPG
Still holds up today , there are games that age badly , but 22 years later Super Mario 64 holds the test of time , just a masterpiece.
Banjo kazooie was better imo but Mario does still hold up

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