What are some good mysteries that got solved


Sep 15, 2015
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what are some good mysteries that got solved??? . Like for example when the titanic sunk at first they didn’t know where it went because of the deep waters . People were like “where is the titanic” but then they found it so mystery solved .
Or a missing person and people are like “I wonder where this person is” then they find the person so mystery solved ...

Any mysteries that you thought would never be solved but then did get solved?

Also happy Mother’s Day. Feel free to post pictures of your mothers in this thread as well. Like if she was on vacation at the beach or at the gym doing yoga and stuff like that. Feel free to crop others out of the picture let’s just focus on the moms..
That '86 rocket that 86'ed that school teacher from New Hampshire on its way into space, all because some bureaucrat didn't want to pay extra for the expensive donuts was a nice mystery that got solved.
BTK killer is a pretty crazy story how it was solved. He asked the police if they could trace him if he sent them a floppy disk. They said no so he sent them one and they traced it back to him.
That '86 rocket that 86'ed that school teacher from New Hampshire on its way into space, all because some bureaucrat didn't want to pay extra for the expensive donuts was a nice mystery that got solved.
?? What happened with the doughnuts ?
I got a new phone recently with a new charger, but the charger disappeared the very next day. Looked everywhere for it in every room, found it two weeks later under my headphones which I haven't used for months. Solved but never be solved
I got a new phone recently with a new charger, but the charger disappeared the very next day. Looked everywhere for it in every room, found it two weeks later under my headphones which I haven't used for months. Solved but never be solved
Hmmm it’s almost like maybe an older charger hide the new one so you wouldn’t use it ... headphones were probably in on it

have you noticed if any older chargers are friends with the headphones ?
When it was finally revealed that Justin McCully was the masked man in in Stephan Bonnar's corner it shook the Earth to it's core. imho
I remember when I was very young some scientists sent a robot up a shaft in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid only to find the path blocked by a stone door with 2 copper handles. I was fascinated by this and my young mind went wild with speculation as to what could be on the other side of that door. Years later it was decided to drill a hole in the door to discover what was on the other side. And it was revealed on the other side of that oh so mysterious door was... an identical door! Glad that mystery is put to rest.
I remember when I was very young some scientists sent a robot up a shaft in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid only to find the path blocked by a stone door with 2 copper handles. I was fascinated by this and my young mind went wild with speculation as to what could be on the other side of that door. Years later it was decided to drill a hole in the door to discover what was on the other side. And it was revealed on the other side of that oh so mysterious door was... an identical door! Glad that mystery is put to rest.
Was it the backside of the first door? Most of my doors have two sides as well... or was it a new door ? If so what was behind that one ?
Hmmm it’s almost like maybe an older charger hide the new one so you wouldn’t use it ... headphones were probably in on it

have you noticed if any older chargers are friends with the headphones ?
It was weird I literally looked everywhere, under sofas, inside the grandfather clock etc. So I had to use the old charger, but the thing is I would have used the old charger more anyway because it has a usb connection to the plug whereas the new one is molded, so the old one was being silly if it was responsible, because it's still my favourite

"Numerous theories have been put forward to account for the unexplained deaths, including animal attacks, hypothermia, avalanche, katabatic winds, infrasound-induced panic, military involvement, or some combination of these."

"Some combination of these' for whatever reason crack me up

This one has been called "solved"(avalanche) but seems they just wanted call it a day lol