I have a list-
Snakes but the big constrictors scare me a lot more than the venomous fuckers….those big squeezey fuckers can be crushing you for like two days before you go
Bears both Polar & Grizzly topping this chart
Hippos- watch a video of 1 chasing a boat and never sleep soundly again
Big Cats with Mountain lions topping this list because I’m more likely to run into one of them then the more exotic non-usa ones and because they pounce from behind and go for the neck
Box Jelly Fish- floating nearly lifeless blobs that can kill you
Blue Ringed Octopus- Tiny, Cute, Deadly..hang around in shallow water tide pools waiting to be petted…. Mom Dad don’t touch it, it is evillllll!!!!!!
Sharks- of course the great white should be the scariest but if a really huge one hit me from the deep and I didn’t know it was coming and it severed me in two killing me instantly, that might not be the worst way to go. I mean would you rather that or sit on a fentanyl drip in a hospital as cancer gnaws you to skin and bone? least your feeding a big fish instead of big Pharma when you go. But the Bull shark actually scares me more than the whites because you’d see them coming, they maul you so it would take a while to finish me off, and these sneaky fuckers can go in fresh water……so far none have been found in swimming pools but they’re probably working on getting in those too.
Orcas- Intelligent cooperative pack hunters that are now crippling boats just for fun. These fuckers eat blue whales and great whites but sometimes only the liver of the shark because fuck it I just wanted to snack on the tasty bits and that sandpapery skin isn't to my liking….
But numero uno on my list by far is the Saltwater Crocodile- Fuckers are big, merciless, can come up on land to grab you, can run faster than you can, have no emotions, soul, heart, or weaknesses…..and now there are reports that these cruel devils are going out in the water, waving their arms to look like a drowning person and luring out bystanders trying to help.. Then death roll time, then begin waving those arms again……